Sunday 1 April 2018

O melhor guia para o mundo da negociação de opções

Web site do cartão de basebol: O guia final a 450+ dos mais melhores locais do passatempo (ATUALIZADO)

Colecionar cartões de beisebol pode nunca trazer as riquezas que muitos imaginaram durante os anos de boom das décadas de 1980 e 1990, mas ainda existem milhares de entusiastas que não podem obter o suficiente das guloseimas cheias de cera ou de lã, sejam novas ou antigas. .

E, graças à Internet, é mais fácil do que nunca encontrar fotos até mesmo das cartas mais fabulosas do hobby, o que tira um pouco da dor de saber que você provavelmente nunca vai ter T real e verdadeiro. -206 raridade de Honus Wagner.

Como o zumbido líquido em torno dos cartões de baseball & # 8212; e outros cartões de esportes e colecionáveis ​​& # 8212; tem crescido ao longo das últimas duas décadas, assim também tem o número de sites para ajudá-lo a obter seus jollies de coleta. Na verdade, pode ser bastante confuso manter o controle de todas as opções disponíveis, mas selecionamos mais de 460 sites de cartão de beisebol para ajudá-lo a amar sua coleção ainda mais do que você já fez.

E se você não for um colecionador de cartas de beisebol? Não se preocupe muito, porque há uma abundância de sites de futebol, basquete e hóquei espalhados na mistura.

Aqui está a lista completa, dividida em 16 categorias, para que você possa escolher onde quer gastar seu tempo de leitura.

(Nota: Descrições fornecidas pelos próprios sites, quando disponíveis.)


Hobby News and Commentary.

O passatempo dos cartões desportivos está em constante mudança graças a um desfile interminável de novos lançamentos, novas descobertas sobre o antigo & # 8221; lançamentos e desenvolvimentos em campo que moldam o mercado. Para acompanhar esse fluxo de atividades, os colecionadores recorrem aos sites abaixo, que apresentam uma mistura sólida de notícias, artigos de opinião e posts de blog bons e antigos sobre vários aspectos do passatempo, do vintage ao moderno.

Beckett Online Sports Cards Preço Guia & # 8211; Mercado de colecionáveis ​​Beckett é um balcão único para todos os esportes & amp; colecionadores de cartão de esportes não semanais & # 8211; Navegue, pesquise e explore o mundo das antiguidades, do vintage, da memorabilia e da coleta. Sports Collectors Daily & # 8211; Esportes coletando notícias e recursos. Conteúdo original centrado em cartões esportivos modernos e colecionáveis ​​e colecionáveis. Links para itens à venda. Colecionadores de Esportes Digest Tuff Stuff & # 8211; Tuff Stuff é uma revista mensal líder da indústria e um recurso para recordações de colecionador de esportes, valores de cartões esportivos e guias de preços!

Guias de preços e relatórios de leilão.

& # 8220; Qual é o valor do meu cartão? & # 8221; É a questão mais comum entre colecionadores de cartões de beisebol há décadas, desde que descobrimos que nossos cartões podem valer alguma coisa. Enquanto a resposta a essa pergunta depende de muitos fatores, # 8212; condição, estação, tamanho do mercado, etc. & # 8212; É sempre útil ter guias que agregam tendências de mercado ou resultados de leilão, e onde esses sites brilham.

Preços do cartão de beisebol.

Página inicial & # 8211; Os preços do cartão de beisebol em singles de cartas de baseball populares, conjuntos e materiais não abertos. Guia do Preço do Valor do Cartão de Baseball & # 8211; O guia de preços de valor de cartão de beisebol autoritativo que inclui basquete, futebol, hóquei, boxe e não-esportivos com base no eBay e vendas de casa de leilões de cartões classificados. MAVIN Portasite & # 8211; Guia de preços grátis para cartões de beisebol vintage Price Realized.

Sites de referência.

Para colecionadores veteranos, talvez o aspecto mais surpreendente da Internet seja a capacidade de encontrar informações sobre qualquer conjunto que possamos imaginar. Se quiséssemos aprender sobre as estátuas e cartões do Trans-o-gram há 20 anos, ficamos a folhear um dos catálogos anuais publicados pela SCD ou pela Beckett, ou a consultar nossos revendedores locais. Agora, não importa qual seja o tópico, podemos apenas teclar algumas teclas, e a resposta aparece em nossas telas, cortesia de sites como estes:

Cartões de beisebol vintage.


Desde os primeiros dias do hobby, os colecionadores se reuniram para falar sobre os cartões de beisebol. No começo, havia listas de discussão reunidas por entusiastas que não conseguiam informações suficientes. Essas listas levaram naturalmente a grupos regionais e, eventualmente, a encontros presenciais em feiras de cartão durante os anos 70 e 80. O circuito de convenções pode não ser tão produtivo agora quanto há 30 anos, mas os colecionadores estão se encontrando on-line em números que nossas antigas redes nunca poderiam ter suportado. Aqui estão alguns dos fóruns que nos ajudam a ficar conectados como nunca antes.

FreedomCardBoard & # 8211; Discussão de cartão de esportes. Fóruns Net54baseball & # 8211; Discussões de cartões de beisebol vintage, autógrafos e memorabilia de esportes. Sports Card Forum & # 8211; Sports Cards Forum para colecionadores de cartão de esportes para comprar, vender e trocar cartões de esportes. SportsCollectors O FÓRUM DE PISCINA CRANE Trading Card Central & # 8211; Trading Card Central é o recurso para colecionadores de cartões comerciais esportivos e não esportivos. Zona de Cartão de Negociação & # 8211; Comunidade de cartões de colecionadores para conversar, trocar, comprar e vender cartões esportivos. Apontar & # 8211; O Zistle é a maneira mais fácil de organizar e trocar seus cartões online.


A blogosfera do cardápio do beisebol é repleta de colecionadores que adoram falar sobre seus próprios cartões, cartões que eles tinham quando crianças, cartões que eles gostariam de ter, cartões fantasmas, cartões ridicularizados e talvez cartões com os quais sonham. Muitas dessas pessoas se reúnem em comunidades de blogs, como Blogspot, Tumblr e WordPress, e seus hábitos de publicação variam desde a reflexão diária até os lançamentos de uma vez por ano. A maioria dos sites na lista abaixo são "niched-down" e "# 8221; e se concentrar em uma faixa muito estreita do hobby, e alguns deles não têm sido ativos em anos, mas todos eles têm algo a oferecer se coleta e nostalgia são o seu jogo.

14.000 Phillies & # 8211; Coleta obsessivo-compulsiva & amp; Catalogando Cartões Phillies por 30 Anos (por Matthew Appleton) 2 por 3 Heróis Cartão de 30 Anos & # 8211; Cartas de beisebol e beisebol faladas, com foco nos anos 70 e 80 (por 30 anos de idade Cardboard) 90 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; De Action Packed to Zenith, todas as grandes cartas dos anos 90! Um problema de papelão & # 8211; Um blog de duas mulheres que gostam de colecionar cartões comerciais. é rayhahn, rayhahn & # 8211; Uma Dissertação de Múltiplos Volumes em Nada (por Rhubarb_Runner) Um Swing e um Hit & # 8211; Este site WordPress é os joelhos das abelhas (por Packattack210) de acordo com o Dr. Price & # 8211; Meu vício de visões pessoais como terapia | Cartão de beisebol colecionando pós cirurgia cardíaca # 8211; Cartão de beisebol colecionando pós cirurgia cardíaca Tudo Sobre Cartões & # 8211; Revisões de cartão de esportes, quebra de caixa, listas de verificação e notícias & # 8211; Cartões de jogo Topps Panini Upper Deck Basebol Futebol Comentários de Hóquei de Basquetebol Caixa de lista de verificação Quebra Livre Magia Pokemon Adesivos MLB NFL NHL NBA Mau Toque Baseball & # 8211; Bad touch baseball é uma operação de um homem, atualizada diariamente. Eu estou vasculhando meu tesouro de antigos cartões de beisebol e postando os jogadores que parecem skeevy, esboçado, assustador ou simplesmente pateta. Uma coisa & # 8230; Cartão de basebol mau da alfândega da cera Cartão de basebol do blogue Cartão de basebol da divisão Cartão de basebol do busto Investment & # 8211; Nem todos os colecionáveis ​​esportivos são grandes investimentos. Há uma abundância de histórias sobre fãs que compraram conjuntos de cartões de beisebol no final dos anos 80 e início dos anos 90 que Baseball Card News & # 8211; Blog de cartões de beisebol vintage e dicas sobre como vender cartões de beisebol e como comprar cartões de beisebol. Cartão de Basebol Vândalos Cartões de Beisebol da Era de Ouro & # 8211; A idade dourada de cartões de basebol | uma história de cartões de beisebol e uma cronologia da cultura dos tempos. Hall da Fama. Blog Basebol Toaster Cartão de Basquete Blog mundial bdj610's Cartão de Beisebol Blog Bean & # 8217; s Ballcard Blog & # 8211; Apenas alguns caras que amam cartas e compartilham pensamentos. Blogs de cartão de Bob Lemke | Voz do Matematicamente Eliminado & # 8211; Voz do Matematicamente Eliminado (por Josh Wilker) Ícones de papelão Junkie de papelão Alcançando com colecionar & # 8211; Coletando cartões após 20 anos longe do hobby. Cartões de beisebol personalizados Custom Card Sets & # 8211; Idéias loucas de um maníaco de Dallas Cowboys cartões de futebol & # 8211; Ramblings de um colecionador de cartas de futebol do Dallas Cowboys. Cortes de Diamante e Wax Stains & # 8211; Apenas mais um site WordPress Central Card Digital - Seu Guia para a coleta de cartões digitais Topps no seu melhor! Inclui Topps Bunt, Topps Huddle e Topps Kick! (por SCUncensored) Dime Boxes & # 8211; A viagem de colecionador de cartões de beisebol Low-End Dinged Corners DocHoloday & # 8211; Uma fatia altamente respeitada de torta de creme binário Dpmsportcards Blog - Everythings a Collectable para alguém (por DPMsportcards) Todos os dias Holliday primeiro e objetivo # 8211; Um blog de cartão de futebol com alguns tópicos extras para uma boa medida. (por CPAdave) Cartões engraçados do basebol Cartões Heartbreaking do gênio desconcertante & # 8211; Um blog sobre beisebol, futebol e cartões comerciais não esportivos. helmarblog & # 8211; Um blog sobre cartões feitos à mão de beisebol, arte e coisas boas da vida (por Charles) Índios Cartões de Beisebol Invista no Beisebol Cartões de Beisebol Japoneses Cartões Jeter - Cartões de Beisebol de Derek Jeter Explicados Cartões de Beisebol Kawaii & # 8211; Bem-vindo ao Kawaii Baseball Cards, o seu go-to para a mais fofa arte de seus jogadores de beisebol favoritos! Projeto Lifetime Topps & # 8211; Coletando todos os topps estabelecidos desde o ano em que nasci My Baseball Card Blog & # 8211; Todos os cartões de baseball das coisas e nada mais! Cartões de coruja de noite número 5 tipo coleção fora de cartões de beisebol de hiatus Old Sports cartões pobc & # 8211; Pobre velho cartões de beisebol Blog Puck Junk & # 8211; Cartões de hóquei, colecionáveis ​​e cultura Radicards Remember The Astrodome & # 8211; Os cartões de beisebol me ajudaram a me apaixonar pelo jogo e pelos Blue Jays. Ao longo de algumas décadas, passei muito tempo e, provavelmente, dinheiro, coletando memórias do meu fandom de beisebol. Sacrifício Squeeze & # 8211; Um blog sobre as provações e tribulações de Topps Bunt Scott Crawford On Cards! Pequenas Tradições Sports Memorabilia Blog & # 8211; Leilões mensais e colecionadores do cartão do esporte da loja Informação do cartão dos esportes | Análises de produtos, entrevistas, comentários & amp; Mais. & # 8211; Análises de produtos, entrevistas, comentários & amp; Mais. (por sportscardinfo) Sports Card Magazine & # 8211; Sports Card Magazine: O site de cartão esportivo mais popular do planeta! Cartões de esportes sem censura & # 8211; Sua fonte para comentário de cartão de esportes, revisões, quebras de caixa e muito mais! Chiclete desatualizado que apóia a formiga & # 8211; Perseguindo papelão, uma jarda aleatória de cada vez Meninos Altos & # 8211; 1964-65 Topps Hockey | 4 de 5 dentistas recomendam este site WordPress The Baseball Card Blog The Baseball Continuum & # 8211; Um olhar sobre beisebol (e outras coisas) a revisão de papelão & # 8211; Resenhas de cartão de hóquei de todos os produtos de hóquei mais atuais de Upper Deck, Panini e In the Game (ITG). O diário Dimwit The Football Card Blog & # 8211; Coletor do cartão do futebol & # 8211; Topps, Bowman Chrome, Donruss & # 8211; Jersey Cards, Autographs Os Maiores 21 Dias A Casa de Oglethorpe O Infinito Conjunto de Cartas de Beisebol The Junior Junkie & # 8211; Os cartões de beisebol de Ken Griffey, Jr. e além da barba de Mojo O coletor de cartão de Oddball O relatório de Shlabotnik & # 8211; Cartões de baseball, costumes e referências obscuras da cultura pop (pelo The Shlabotnik Report) The Sports Card Guy & # 8211; Bem-vindo & # 8211; Um site de cartão de esportes e Blog O Blog de cartão de beisebol feio The Wax Fantastic & # 8211; Um blog de cartão de beisebol da página & # 8216; Outros & # 8217; lado do Atlântico The Writer's Journey & # 8211; Basebol, horror, música, yadda do yadda do yadda (por JT) Cartões do hóquei do vintage de Tim Wallach Relatório Vintage Graded Baseball Cards & # 8211; Informações sobre a coleta de cartões de baseball autenticados e classificados antes de 1980. Voz do Colecionador Wax Heaven 2.0 & # 8211; O homem que governou o cartão Blogs (por Mario Alejandro) Wax Pack & # 8211; O Wax Pack é dedicado à história do beisebol, especificamente ao beisebol e à cultura pop dos anos 80. É o site oficial do livro Wax Pack, com lançamento previsto para 2017.

Definir blogs.

Nos últimos anos, surgiu um novo nicho do site de cartões de beisebol: o blog do set. Um blog conjunto geralmente segue um colecionador através da construção de uma questão particular de cartões de baseball. Outras vezes, o blogueiro, escreve sobre cartões & # 8212; às vezes todos eles & # 8212; no jogo escolhido, relacionando anedotas divertidas ou conectando-as a outras notícias ou memórias de beisebol. Qualquer que seja a forma que o conjunto de blogue tenha, é sempre um prazer para os leitores poderem aprofundar-se nos detalhes de um único problema.

Blogs baseados em equipe.

Poucas fidelidades na vida são mais fortes do que as do fã hardcore de beisebol de seu time favorito. Por isso, é natural que os colecionadores de cartões de beisebol se concentrem em pelo menos parte de nossos esforços de hobby em nossos clubes que acompanhamos "# 8230; e alguns de nós escrevem sobre isso! Isso é exatamente o que os blogueiros abaixo fizeram, nos dando os blogs de cartão de beisebol baseados em equipes de besta.

Blogs Baseados em Jogadores.

Todos nós temos um jogador favorito e, às vezes, essa paixão é forte o suficiente para dedicar uma grande parte de nossos esforços de coleta à aquisição de suas cartas. Esses blogueiros levaram essa devoção um passo adiante e estão compartilhando seus favoritos com o mundo.

Coletando Sandy Alomar Jr. Campos Darryl Strawberry (Darryl Strawberry) Goldschmidt Acontece David Justice Sports Cards (David Justiça) Início do Toddfather Meu melhor amigo coleciona Chipper Jones Ripken nos Menores Bem-vindo ao Ripken nos Menores, onde Cal está sempre no Menor ! Este site foi desenvolvido em um esforço para fornecer aos fãs e colecionadores da Ripken informações sobre os cards de beisebol da Cal produzidos nas ligas menores. Neste site você encontrará informações (Cal Ripken) The Rollie Fingers Collector & # 8211; Um blog sobre Rollie Fingers e colecionar cartões de baseball e memorabilia de Rollie Finger. O herói que não queria ser # 8211; Minha jornada para completar o conjunto de jogadores de Hank Greenberg The Yount Collector & # 8211; Um blog sobre Robin Yount e colecionar cartões de baseball e memorabilia de Robin Yount. 4192Cartões (Pete Rose) Cap Chronicled & # 8211; Adrian & Cap. # 8221; Anson A vida e os tempos de Adrian & Cap; # 8217; Anson, o primeiro astro do beisebol e uma lenda de Chicago. (Cap Anson) CarltonFisk | A coleção da recordação de Carlton Fisk da premier (Carlton Fisk) Coletando Ichiro (Ichiro Suzuki) Juan Gonzalez em linha & # 8211; Powered by vBulletin Fan site dedicado a Juan Gonzalez & # 8211; Estatísticas, Fotos, Artigos, Coleta de Cartões e muito mais. (Juan Gonzalez) O site Mark Grace Perfis da carreira da estrela do beisebol Mark Grace através de fotos, citações, estatísticas, artigos e histórias de fãs. (Mark Grace) Matt Williams 1/1 Site de Cartões de Esportes (Matt Williams) Rickey Henderson Colecionáveis ​​(Rickey Henderson) MY GARY CARTER TRIBUTE SITE & # 8211; THEKID8 Por favor, pare e dê uma olhada no meu site dedicado a um dos melhores receptores de todos os tempos, Gary Carter. (Gary Carter) O Hamiltoniano | Progresso e fotos da minha coleção de cartões de beisebol do Josh Hamilton (Texas Rangers) Progresso e fotos da minha coleção de cartões de beisebol do Josh Hamilton (Texas Rangers) (Josh Hamilton)

Capítulo 10

Caixa e disjuntores.

Não há nada no mundo como abrir um pacote de cera de cartões de beisebol, ou uma caixa ou caixa da última edição quente. Afinal, é assim que a maioria de nós começou no hobby em primeiro lugar, e, além da chance de fazer uma grande descoberta, é difícil bater o hit nostálgico de um baralho de cartas. Não é de surpreender, então, que "quebrar" # 8221; surgiu como um nicho entre os colecionadores de cartões que buscam colher as emoções vicárias da caça ao tesouro, e esses sites são alguns dos mais populares do gênero.

Crackin & # 8217; Cera & # 8211; Casa da Caridade Case Break! Caso ao vivo quebrar Mojobreak & # 8211; Especialistas em quebra de caixa Cobrindo beisebol, futebol, basquete, hóquei, MMA e muito mais. Premier Box Breaks & # 8211; Live Box Quebra de pacotes, caixas de hobby e quebra de estoques para colecionadores de cartões esportivos. Oferecendo futebol, beisebol, basquete e hóquei transmitidos ao vivo em HD. Ripping Wax Inc & # 8211; Caso de grupo e quebra de caixa & # 8211; Cartões colecionáveis ​​de esportes | Esportes Cartão Colecionável Breaking. Nós vendemos vagas para grupos coletivos e quebra de caixas.

Capítulo 11

Sites do Marketplace.

Era uma vez, os amadores se encontravam no lobby de shows de cartão de esportes para comprar, vender e trocar seus cartões para construir suas coleções. De fato, muitos comerciantes lamentaram o fato de que, em alguns shows, a maioria das transações ocorreu fora do showroom e não no interior. Hoje, a Internet torna mais fácil do que nunca encontrar as placas que você precisa e os colecionadores que as possuem, e os sites abaixo se desenvolveram em versões modernas do mercado de fachada.

Verifique para fora meus cartões de basebol, banda desenhada & amp; Colecionáveis ​​& # 8211; Compre e venda cartões de beisebol, futebol, basquete e hóquei on-line com a COMC. Encomende a partir de vários vendedores, mas pague a remessa uma vez! Encontre cards de novatos, memorabilia, cartões autografados, vintage, modernos e muito mais no COMC. Cartão de esportes direto & # 8211; Compre e venda cartões esportivos na Seção Internacional de classificados online para entusiastas de cartões esportivos Sports Card Fun & # 8211; Cartões de beisebol, cartões de futebol, cartões de hóquei, cartões de basquete, Sportscards Sports Lots & # 8211; Compre e venda cartões de beisebol, futebol, basquete e hóquei. Escolha entre mais de 46 milhões de cartões em formatos de preço fixo ou de leilão. The Pit & # 8211; Sports Stock Exchange & # 8211; Estrelas de esportes comerciais como ações.

Capítulo 12

Casas em leilão.

Quando ficou claro que as novas cartas que todos nós babávamos nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 foram produzidas em massa na medida em que eram virtualmente inúteis assim que abríamos as embalagens, e algumas vezes antes, os colecionadores começaram a voltar sua atenção para o material vintage e cartões mais novos numerados em série, classificados ou autenticados. As casas de leilões, que já tinham uma forte presença no passatempo, ofereciam aos colecionadores e vendedores um lugar de confiança para comprar e vender estes melhores dos melhores # 8221; itens, eo hobby virou-se para eles tanto para ofertas alucinantes e como um barômetro do mercado high-end. Aqui estão algumas das melhores casas de leilões de hoje.

Capítulo 13

Serviços de classificação.

Como o passatempo se moveu cada vez mais longe da & # 8220; cera de sucata & # 8221; Nos fins do final dos anos 80 e início dos 90, os colecionadores valorizaram cada vez mais a escassez, a autenticidade e a condição. Essa maturação tornou os serviços de classificação e autenticação mais importantes do que nunca, e as empresas de classificação se tornaram recursos inestimáveis ​​para julgar a relativa escassez e o valor de nossos cartões. Muitas dessas empresas mantêm sites informativos e de entretenimento, como os listados aqui.

Serviços de classificação Beckett (BGS) GMA Grading & # 8211; Casa do serviço de classificação de apenas US $ 2,50. Avaliação de cartões de beisebol, classificação de cartões de futebol e precificação gratuita de cartões esportivos na GMA Grading. Autenticador de Esportes Profissionais (PSA) & # 8211; O Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) é o maior serviço de autenticação de cartões desportivos de terceiros do mundo & # 8211; os especialistas em cartões de classificação, autógrafos esportivos e memorabilia. Garantia de cartão esportivo.

Capítulo 14

Sites de varejo.

Na & # 8220; antiga & # 8221; dias & # 8212; antes da Internet & # 8212; colecionadores compraram seus cartões na loja de departamentos local, em lojas de cartão e shows, e, muito ocasionalmente, através de catálogos de mala direta e anúncios. No entanto, como o hobby mudou nas últimas duas décadas, também temos as avenidas que usamos para construir nossas coleções. Agora, a parte do leão de todas as transações de cartão acontece on-line, e sites de varejo como os abaixo são a força vital do hobby para muitos colecionadores. Se você comprar cartões de beisebol online, então você precisa verificar isso.

1.000.000 de cartões de beisebol & # 8211; Minha página para exibir meus cartões de esportes, minha lista de inventário e minha lista de desejos para outros colecionadores de cartão de esportes. 707 Sportscards & # 8211; 707 Sportscards & # 8211; Um dos maiores compradores e vendedores de antigos cartões de beisebol, PSA Graded Cards, e Allstate Display Cases AD Sports Cards Etc: Cartões de Beisebol Futebol Cards Ultra Pro Supplies & # 8211; Caixas de cartão de esportes de beisebol, basquete, futebol e hóquei, conjuntos e conjuntos de equipe. Lançamentos mais recentes, incluindo conjuntos de Topps e caixas mais antigas. Suportes de cartões Plus Ultra Pro, carregadores de página, álbuns e muito mais. Atlanta Sports Cards & # 8211; Vendas On-line de Caixas de Cartão de Esportes e Caixas de Cartão Esportivas Baseball Card Emporium & # 8211; Vendendo loja de cartões de beisebol loja online & # 8211; A BBC Emporium adquire cartões de apostas esportivas, incluindo coleções de beisebol, futebol e basquete de 1969 e mais antigos, e suprimentos para venda Conjuntos de Fábrica de Beisebol & # 8211; No BaseballFactorySets nós carregamos os mais recentes conjuntos de cartões de beisebol Topps e Hobby Boxes! Nós fornecemos produtos de beisebol Topps a ótimos preços. Apenas BB & # 8211; Um dos maiores inventários de Vintage para cartões de beisebol moderno BBC Exchange Blowout cartões California Sports cartões Canadá Card World & # 8211; Nós caracterizamos a mais ampla seleção de hóquei, beisebol, basquete, futebol, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh e Entertainment Hobby Boxes. Cartões canadenses do hóquei & # 8211; Cartões canadenses do hóquei: Inserções, recruta, Tim Horton & s e McDonalds para a venda. Termine seus sets aqui. Champs Sportcards & # 8211; Esportes Cartões Huntsville, AL Charm City Cartões Home Page & # 8211; Cartões de baseball, cartões de futebol, cartões de esportes Chicagoland Sports Cards & # 8211; A Chicagoland Sports Cards é uma das maiores e mais conceituadas concessionárias de cartões comerciais do país. Temos em estoque a mais quente seleção de caixas seladas de fábrica e caixas de cartões de esportes, cartões não esportivos e quaisquer outros cartões comerciais. Dave & amp; Cartão de Adam World & # 8211; Compre uma enorme seleção de cartões comerciais a preços baixos. Caixas, Estojos e Pacotes de Cartas Esportivas e de Jogo. Frete grátis em pedidos acima de US $ 199. Cartões de Dean & # 8211; Compramos e vendemos mais cartões de beisebol vintage da Topps, cartões de futebol e outros cartões do que qualquer outra pessoa on-line. Sportscards de DJ's FootballCardShop & # 8211; Cartões de Futebol & # 8211; Singles, Rookies e Conjuntos de Equipas House of Cards de colecionáveis ​​de George Apenas Cards Trading Cards & # 8211; Perth, WA & # 8211; Enorme seleção de cartões comerciais a preços baixos. Singles, Boxes e Packs of Sports e Gaming Cards. Encontre-nos online e na Wanneroo Markets. Apenas colete & # 8211; Maior comprador da nação de Vintage Baseball Cards Kit jovem & # 8211; compramos e vendemos beisebol, futebol e basquete vintage de 1900 a 1980. Kruk Cards & # 8211; Os cartões de Kruk comprarão seus cartões de baseball e collectibles! Futebol, beisebol, hóquei, basquete, golfe, não-esporte, nada! Você escolhe, nós compramos! Cartões Layton Sports & # 8211; A Layton Sports Cards é uma loja de hobby especializada em caixas vivas e case breaks dos mais novos produtos da Topps, Panini America, Leaf, Upper Deck e muitos outros Leaf Trading Cards & # 8211; Site Oficial & # 8211; Leaf Trading Cards & # 8211; Um fabricante de colecionáveis ​​dedicado a oferecer uma experiência de coleta excepcional. Seus Sports Trading Cards e colecionáveis. Sports Cards Legados & # 8211; Cartões de esportes, cartões de jogos, Memorabilia de esportes e material de cartão comercial em Las Vegas. Preços mais baixos garantidos. Frete grátis para encomendas superiores a $ 150! Memory Lane Inc. & # 8211; Site de leilão de cartão base vintage especializado em leilões de esportes, incluindo recordações de beisebol, leilões de cartões comerciais, leilões de esportes, leilões de autógrafos de beisebol, leilões raros de cartões esportivos, leilões de cartão de beisebol difíceis de encontrar. Mile Hile Card Co. 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Steel City Colecionáveis ​​& # 8211; Compre na Steel City Collectibles uma das maiores seleções do mundo de caixas fechadas e caixas de cartões comerciais, bem como uma enorme seleção de autógrafos, memorabilia, vestuário e material para cartões comerciais. O rei do cartão de basebol! A Loja Online da Loja de Cartões de Beisebol & # 8211; Cartões de Beisebol na Loja de Cartão de Beisebol Loja Online Vendendo Great Sports Cards de todos os tipos, incluindo Team Sets, Packs, Boxes, Singles e Sets. Conjunto Ultimate Team & # 8211; A coleção de cartão de beisebol ULTIMATE para os cartões de esportes ULTIMATE Fan Wayne & amp; Cartões e colecionáveis ​​dos esportes de Collectibles West.

Capítulo 15

Empresas de Cartões.

Este grande passatempo nosso não poderia existir sem as próprias cartas, então os fabricantes que montam as pastas que amamos são de suma importância. Hoje, as empresas de cartões estão mais acessíveis aos colecionadores do que nunca, e muitas mantêm uma forte presença na web, conforme evidenciado pelos sites abaixo.

Redescobrir / Topps & # 8211; Obtenha produtos de cartões comerciais como o Topps Attax, os cartões UFC e os pacotes Wacky de um dos principais criadores de cartões esportivos e cartões de entretenimento da Topps The Official Panini America Blog & # 8211; Panini America: os produtos. As pessoas. Os parceiros As promoções. Blog do Upper Deck no Upper Deck.

Capítulo 16

Outros sites.

Os cartões de beisebol não são apenas os próprios cartões, e os colecionadores precisam de um pouco de ajuda extra de tempos em tempos. Os sites listados abaixo consistem em diretórios de revendedores e sites, coletando pacotes de software, revendedores de suprimentos e muito mais. Divirta-se clicando nesses sites, porque eles podem melhorar o seu prazer de passatempo.

Conselheiro de cartões de beisebol & # 8211; Descobrir as suas coleções em potencial Álbum do Cartão de Esportes do Blog do BCW & # 8211; Organize sua coleção de cartões de beisebol on-line com o Sports Card Album. Aplicativos gratuitos para iPhone e Android para colecionadores de cartões esportivos. Cartão de esportes Blogroll Sports Card Radio & # 8211; Casa do rádio do cartão dos esportes da notícia do podcast da mostra do cartão dos esportes & # 8211; Datas de lançamento & # 8211; Perspectivas & # 8211; MLB & # 8211; NFL & # 8211; NBA Sports Card Shop Locator & # 8211; Sports Card Shop Locator & # 8211; Encontre rotas, armazene as horas e leia as avaliações das lojas de cartão de esportes nos EUA e no Canadá. Sportscard Organizador & # 8211; O Sportscard Organizer foi projetado tanto para o coletor inicial quanto para o colecionador vitalício, como eu, para ajudá-lo a adicionar rapidamente cartões, acessar facilmente sua coleção, fornecer informações para fins de seguro e saber qual é o valor de sua coleção. Baixe uma versão gratuita do software para experimentar por si mesmo. SportsCard-Stores Strat-O-Matic & # 8211; A Strat-O-Matic cria o mais realista jogo de tabuleiro, jogo de computador e simulações de jogos online para beisebol, futebol, hóquei e basquete. O Blog da APBA & # 8211; Um blog para os fãs do jogo de mesa de esportes da APBA Game Company. Os artigos serão sobre o jogo da APBA e discutirão as operações da liga, os replays simulados e a diversão de jogar a APBA. O Cartão Colecionando Cartão Coletando Software.

Capítulo 17

Blogspot Blogs.

Embora os blogs listados acima ofereçam muito material para alimentar o fogo do seu hobby, eles são apenas a ponta do iceberg do blog de cartões de baseball. Você não precisa procurar mais do que o próprio Blogspot para provar o quão apaixonados são os colecionadores de cartões. De pais que amam os Cleveland Indians a colecionadores que tentam possuir todos os cartões de Tim Wallach já feitos para os amadores rastrearem cada jogador em um pacote de cartas de 1986 da Topps, esses blogs têm tudo. E o assustador # 8212; e incrível & # 8212; parte disso é que nem mesmo essa lista gigantesca vai pegar todo mundo, e você pode ter certeza de que mais blogs de cartão aparecerão amanhã à medida que mais e mais colecionadores pegarem o bug de papelão.

Sobre o autor.

Adam Hughes.

Posts Relacionados.

High Five: Como o cartão de novato Topps Glenn Burke de 1978 nos mentiu.

14 Corny Knock Knock Jokes Somente Colecionadores Verdadeiros de Cartões de Beisebol Entenderão.

Roundup semanal dos blogues do cartão de baseball & # 8211; Final Four Edition (25 de março e # 8211; 1º de abril de 2016)

Comemore o 4 de julho com 1976 Hostess Baseball Cards.

15 Comentários.

Eu admito que esta é a primeira vez que vejo este blog, mas estou feliz por tê-lo encontrado. Parece um monte de artigos muito legais. Este, em particular, é muito bem feito. Este será um ótimo recurso para colecionadores. Devo dizer que estou um pouco desapontado por não ver TradingCardZone fazer a lista de fóruns. 🙁 Eu sou um pouco tendencioso, no entanto. Ha!

Obrigado por parar e ter tempo para comentar. Sempre feliz em adicionar outro site de qualidade à lista, o que eu fiz com a Zona de Cartão de Negociação.

Impressionante! Obrigado, Adam!

Recurso incrível! Obrigado por compilar e postar isso!

O prazer é meu. Leitura feliz (e coleta)!

Uau! Isso é uma lista fantástica absoluta! Eu nunca ficarei sem material de leitura agora. Posso fazer um pedido para que meu site, Cardboard Clubhouse, seja adicionado à lista, por favor?

Oi Adam. Obrigado pela visita, e eu adicionei o seu site com satisfação; é uma leitura divertida!

Acabei de encontrar este site a partir de um link em & # 8220; Heartbreaking Cards of Staggering Genius & # 8221; Lista muito agradável.

Primeiro & # 8211; obrigado pelo shoutout para todos os blogueiros (incluindo os menores como eu & # 8211; Royals e Randoms & # 8221;).

Segundo & # 8211; Um site significativo (para mim) que você está perdendo é o Zistle. Isso é tanto um banco de dados de coleção on-line quanto uma plataforma de negociação. Desde sua coleção é inserida, você pode definir listas de desejos / tradelists e facilmente encontrar parceiros comerciais que estão negociando cartões que você deseja.

Ótima sugestão, e eu fiz a atualização.

Obrigado pela leitura!

Isso é incrível! Obrigado por colocar todo esse trabalho.

O prazer é meu! Obrigado pela leitura e feliz colecionando!

Muito bom post, eu certamente amo este site, continue.

Um excelente recurso. Eu não posso agradecer o suficiente por colocar isso junto. Boas Festas

Ultimate Disney World Guia de Natal.

O Natal no Walt Disney World é uma época muito especial do ano. Este guia lhe dará dicas de férias para o Magic Kingdom, Epcot, e além, incluindo a Festa de Natal Muito Feliz de Mickey, Candlelight Processional, e tudo mais que o Walt Disney World tem a oferecer no Natal. (Última atualização em 1º de janeiro de 2018)

Ao longo deste post, forneceremos nossas dicas e truques para a melhor experiência do Walt Disney World na época do Natal, e esperamos que este guia completo seja útil para todos, desde visitantes iniciantes a visitantes anuais. Esta não é meramente a cópia de marketing da Disney que você encontrará em todos os outros sites que oferecem as mesmas informações genéricas sobre o Natal na Walt Disney World.

Agora que o calendário transformou a página em 2018, a maior parte do entretenimento de Natal terminou. Tudo importante terminou em 31 de dezembro; essencialmente a única coisa que resta é as decorações de Natal e o ambiente de férias. Uma das perguntas mais comuns relacionadas ao Natal que nos perguntam é "quando as decorações são retiradas?"

Não há uma resposta fácil para isso. Typically, decorations stay up and–most notably–the Cinderella Castle Dream Lights continue to be lit until the Walt Disney World Marathon concludes (January 7, 2018). After that, decorations start coming down, but it’s usually a pretty slow process and does not occur all at once. It’s not entirely predictable, either. Some years, the majority of the decorations are down by around January 10. Other years, it takes until the end of January.

Another common question this time of year, as it’s fresh in minds from a Christmas-day viewing, is what it’s like to watch the filming of the ‘Disney Parks Magical Christmas Celebration’ that airs on ABC. If you are intrigued by the parade and thinking of booking a Christmas-time trip next year to watch the parade live, there are some things you should know.

First–no, the Disney Christmas Day Parade is not filmed live. (Nowadays, ‘parade’ is probably a misnomer for what’s broadcast on ABC Christmas Day, but that’s another story for another day.) Each year, the Disney Christmas Day Parade is filmed in November or very early December. Recording is spread out over many takes, consuming several days. It is most certainly not one-time pass-through of a parade.

For 2017, the recording occurred in early November at Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Magic Kingdom. (Sorry, Epcot!) Only musical numbers were recorded at Walt Disney World. Traditional parade segments were recorded at Disneyland. (Note the smaller, stouter castle.)

We’ve been at Walt Disney World in the past when the parade segments were filmed there (now, it’s mostly just the stage show segments), and it was a miserable experience. Banish whatever notions you have of it being fun, and getting up close to celebrities. It’s long, drawn out, and what you’ll witness does not resemble the finished product.

We actually recommend avoiding the parks where the Disney Christmas Day Parade is being recorded, as it’s boring to watch in person and it creates congestion in the parks. What you’re seeing on television now might look really fun to see in person, but we promise you that’s the result of meticulous work in shooting, re-shooting, and careful editing.

With that said, we highly recommend a visit to Walt Disney World at Christmas, so please continue reading if you want to read more about what that entails (which is likely to be substantially similar to what’s described here for 2018)…

We were at Walt Disney World for the Christmas offerings last year, and we updated this post after our trip based on our experiences during that visit. We’ve also updated it a couple of times through the start of the holiday season based upon changes to this year’s Christmas offerings…

If you’re visiting Walt Disney World at “Christmas,” the first thing you’ll need to figure out is when–specifically–you want to visit. There are air quotes around Christmas back there because the holiday season at Walt Disney World, much like the holiday season at your local mall, actually begins in early November and doesn’t conclude until January.

For those readers wanting a handy guide to Christmas at Walt Disney World, this is a great start, but our free Walt Disney World Christmas eBook is even better.

Our Vacation Kingdom at Christmas eBook is 75+ pages, with 100+ photos, and tons of great tips & info! For more details on how to get this totally-free ebook, click here .

As we discuss in the eBook, one of the great things about the holiday season at Walt Disney World is that most of the Christmas entertainment (with one very notable exception) is included in regular theme park admission. That’s great news, especially for those who opt to use an authorized Walt Disney World ticket seller to save even more money on park tickets. ( Click here for our park ticket recommendations! )

Alright, let’s move on to the best time to visit Walt Disney World during the Christmas season…

When to Visit.

November 26 through December 17 will be the least-crowded times to visit Walt Disney World during the full Christmas season. If you want even lighter crowds, November 12-17 are great dates, but not all of the Christmas decorations will be up in the hotels and Epcot by then.

Even after December 17, crowds may not get really bad until December 22 due to Christmas falling on a Monday. As a result, the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve will likely be really crowded this year–even more crowded than normal, if that’s even possible.

Note that the Pop Warner Football Championship and cheerleading competitions can contribute to “pockets” of crazy crowds. If you are visiting during these events, we highly recommend avoiding the Value Resorts (particularly All Star Sports). Ever been at a hotel or in a theme park with thousands of teenage football players and cheerleaders? I have, and it’s scarier than Saw movies.

Within our broad range of dates listed above, some are better and worse than others. See our November at Walt Disney World and December at Walt Disney World posts for precise dates of special events and other information so you know what to do and what to avoid.

Keep in mind that these are not the “secret” best times of the year to visit. The entire Christmas season is popular, and word about early December has gotten out (especially among Disney Vacation Club members), so don’t expect Walt Disney World to be a ghost town, or anything close to it.

Disney veterans know that the week leading up to Christmas and the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve are terrible times to travel if you dislike crowds. This is also a bit of a misconception, depending upon how you approach the visit. If you don’t like being in dense crowds, these times of year are probably out.

If you don’t mind navigating heavy crowds Christmas and New Year’s weeks can be good to go for a couple of reasons. The main draws for the hard ticket Christmas event, Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party (see below for details), are presented during regular park hours for free . Since these tickets cost up to $99 per person, if you have a large family that would otherwise attend Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas, visiting during one of these weeks can amount to considerable savings.

Likewise, on New Year’s Eve, there are elaborate fireworks displays at the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Disney’s Hollywood Studios. If you are thinking of visiting for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, we highly recommend reading our Tips for Visiting Walt Disney World at New Year’s to avoid crowds and have a better experience.

Besides the crowds, there are a few other downsides to visiting during these two weeks. First is the room rates for on property hotels. These can easy eat away at any savings on Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party tickets. The second is holiday surcharges at buffets and some other restaurants around property. Definitely keep these costs in mind if you’re approaching this from the perspective of savings.

No matter when you go, you will also want to remember to pack for the season. Check out our Winter Packing Tips for Disney post for more insight on what to take on your trip. Just because it’s Florida doesn’t mean it won’t be cold! You don’t want to waste money buying a bunch of $60 sweatshirts from the gift shops because you only packed shorts and t-shirts. (Believe me, I’ve been there.)

Another way you can save money is by not purchasing Christmas gifts while at Walt Disney World. This is so tempting, and something we have done too many times (it’s Disney’s favorite time of year because guest spending on merchandise is through the roof!). Instead, check out our Essential Disney Fan Gift Guide for great, money saving gift ideas for Christmas. You can save a ton of money by buying many of the same (and similar) souvenirs and gifts online instead of in the gift shops!

Okay, now that you know when to visit (or now that I’ve further confused you and made the decision even more complicated), let’s figure out what you should experience…

Magic Kingdom.

We’ll start in the Magic Kingdom, which does the most for Christmas out of all of the Walt Disney World parks. No matter what the other parks do, there’s just something to be said for walking onto Main Street and seeing the “town” decked out for Christmas, and that grandiose icicle castle beckoning at the end.

Christmas is my favorite time in Magic Kingdom because I enjoy taking photos of the decorations lit up; to take photos like my photos in this post, read my Tips for Christmas Photography .

Alright, now let’s take a tour of Magic Kingdom at Christmas…

Jingle Cruise – Despite rumors to the contrary, Walt Disney World confirmed in late October that Jingle Cruise will be returning to Magic Kingdom this year (Disneyland is a potentially different story). The Jingle Cruise overlay consists of decorations in the show scenes and a new Christmas-themed spiel from the skippers, who are “homesick” and wanting to celebrate Christmas.

The queue will be decorated and the boats will receive Christmas-inspired names. While holiday overlays are divisive, we are big fans of the idea here and thought the Disneyland version last year was very well done, although definitely could have used more detail to flesh it out. The concept is minimally invasive, with its main component executed by the skippers, and it should be a ton of fun for repeat guests.

This gets popular during the Christmas season, so using a FastPass+ can be a good idea (see our Guide to FastPass+ at Walt Disney World for more recommendations). We prefer doing Jingle Cruise at night to get the full experience of the Christmas lights turned on.

Castle Dream Lights – Every night at dusk beginning in mid-November, “A Frozen Holiday Wish” show lights Cinderella Castle with beautiful white lights. During this show, Queen Elsa will use her powers to transform the Castle into a glistening ice palace for the holidays, illuminating the castle with 200,000 shimmering white lights.

This is a short, cute little show, and people will camp out well in advance for it. Seeing the Dream Lights turned on is a “wow” moment for sure, but it’s important to point out that this is meant to be a cute little show. Don’t wait for an hour expecting something long and drawn out, because it’s not.

Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party.

This is a hard ticket event that occurs in Magic Kingdom on select nights throughout the Christmas season. If you’re visiting in November or early to mid-December and haven’t experienced it before, you should strongly consider Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. Tickets are expensive, but it’s a lot of fun and worth experiencing at least once. Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party is an after-hours party featuring all things Christmas.

It’s definitely worth experiencing at least once. The last Christmas party is December 22, with approximately 3-4 parties per week before that. In this post we want to focus on what you can do during Christmas at Walt Disney World that is included with your regular theme park admission, so if you want to read more about this special event, including whether it’s worth the money and our step-by-step plan for making the most of the event (it’s impossible to see & do everything, read our Complete Guide to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party.

Additionally, we posted our Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Recap & Photos post that includes our report on attending that party. As always, we had a lot of fun on our Christmas trip, and hope our tips help you with your own visit!

The party is a bit pricey and there’s a lot to know about it, so we highly recommend reading that before your trip. Party tickets are a pretty common impulse purchase among Walt Disney World guests–and you can avoid that by just reading up on the party a bit in advance. Click here for more details on party dates, pricing, tips, etc.

If possible, do the party on a school night–these parties are usually less crowded. See our Least Crowded Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Dates post for more tips on when–and when not–to do it.

Holiday Wishes! – The Christmas fireworks, Holiday Wishes, are the highlight of the holiday season. These are shown “in full” during Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party (meaning with their perimeter bursts). Normally, the show without perimeter bursts is shown for regular park guests during the weeks that bookend Christmas.

That is not the case, as the new Happily Ever After remains incredibly popular. It’s unclear whether Magic Kingdom will revert to showing Holiday Wishes during Christmas and New Year’s Eve Week during regular nights in 2018, or if Happily Ever After will remain such a draw that they will continue showing that, leaving Holiday Wishes exclusively for party nights.

Holiday Wishes is amazing in its ability to thematically incorporate fireworks so they fit not only the name of the show, but more importantly, with the accompanying song lyrics. While the fireworks play an important role, the lyrics truly deserve more than just a passing mention.

‘Joyful! A Gospel Celebration of the Season’ & # 8211; Joyful performs on the Fountain of Nations Stage for the fourth straight year from the end of November until the end of December. Showtimes should be 1:15pm, 2:15pm, 3:15pm, and 4:15pm (daily).

It’s a fun show, actually, it’s surprisingly good, but it’s still not an adequate replacement for the gorgeous Lights of Winter that were deemed obsolete a few years ago.

Epcot International Festival of the Holidays – Epcot has rebranded its Holidays Around the World as the Epcot International Festival of the Holidays. It’s still basically the same thing, just with a different name. There are Marketplace booths open around World Showcase offering different seasonal snacks from around the world. Think of this as the “Epcot Food & Wine Festival Lite.” Epcot International Festival of the Holidays will run from November 19 until December 30.

The full lineup for booths for this year have not yet been announced, but last year they included Alpine Haus Marketplace, Three Kings Feast Marketplace, Germany Marketplace, Seasonal Southern Delights Marketplace, and American Holiday Table Marketplace. We would expect all of those to return for 2018, plus some new options as this expands even further. In addition to dedicated booths, many of the restaurants and bakeries around Epcot will have special snacks, as they have in the past.

Another new offering is Chip and Dale’s Christmas Tree Spree, which is a paid scavenger hunt (akin to the Figment and Ratatouille ones during other festivals at Epcot). Chip and Dale are collecting ornaments for their Christmas tree, and you go around looking for them as they gather ornaments from holiday decorations in each World Showcase pavilion.

Candelight Processional – Candlelight Processional is a retelling of the Christmas story by a celebrity narrator, along with a mass choir performing seasonal melodies, and a 50-piece live orchestra. It performs nightly from Thanksgiving until New Year’s at 5, 6:45 and 8:00 p. m. Candlelight Processional runs after Thanksgiving through December 30. You can find the celebrity narrators for each night by clicking here (opens in new tab).

One tip for Candlelight Processional is to book a dinner package if you’re visiting when one of the popular narrators is in town. They’re not too much of a premium if you were already planning on eating a table service meal, and will save you tons of time. We were there for the second night of Neil Patrick Harris’ run a couple of years ago, and we saw people waiting in line FOUR HOURS before the show.

Your enjoyment of Candlelight Processional will depend on whether you like the traditional Christmas story and choir Christmas music. We love the music (so much so that so much that we own the CD!), but if you don’t like either, this may not be for you. Although the narrators show some personality, don’t expect Candlelight Processional to be “Comedy Hour with Neil Patrick Harris.” It’s not.

Visit our dedicated Candlelight Processional page for more information, photos, schedule, and dining information.

Holiday Storytellers – Throughout World Showcase in Epcot, there are international storytellers (most of whom are that country’s version of Santa Claus) who share traditions and tales from their native country. These Santas and other characters appear dressed in location-appropriate outfits and describe what happens on Christmas Eve and Christmas in their homeland. In addition to the Santas, representatives at the American Adventure describe the celebrations of Kwanzaa and Hanukkah.

The Storytellers can be hit or miss, and whether you want to spend the time seeing listening to their stories will depend upon your personal preferences. If you are on the fence, we’d recommend starting your tour around the World Showcase in Mexico (instead of Canada) as the most engaging Storytellers are near the beginning of the tour that way. If you don’t enjoy those countries’ Storytellers, chances are that you won’t enjoy any of the rest.

Tips on which Storytellers to see, the order to see them, and other information and suggestions can be found in our Holiday Storytellers in World Showcase at Epcot Tips article.

Illuminations: Reflections of Earth Holiday Tag – Everyone loves fireworks, especially when they’re accompanied by a score as great as that of Illuminations. Disney kicks the pyro into high gear during the Christmas season as the explosive “Peace on Earth” holiday finale ends the show with a heart-warming bang.

One other nice little touch at Epcot is the Gingerbread Village at The Land pavilion, which consists of sweet recreations of Walt Disney World Resort’s theme park icons.

Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

“Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!” is the centerpiece of the Christmas lineup at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. The downside is that this mixed-media fireworks show centered around Grauman’s Chinese Theater, featuring a montage of Disney Christmas favorites is a bit of a disappointmnent. You can read more of our thoughts on it in our “Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM!” Dicas e & amp; Review post.

In terms of viewing tips, the key to Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! is being close to Grauman’s Chinese Theater. This is important to note if you’ve already consulted our Best Disney’s Hollywood Studios Fireworks Viewing Spots post & map, as that information is now out of date. We do recommend watching Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! from closer to The Great Movie Ride than Trolley Car Cafe (Starbucks).

Above is a look at the new Sunset Season’s Greetings, which along with Echo Lake Christmas is the new Christmas entertainment at Disney’s Hollywood Studios that WDW has dubbed its “Flurry of Fun.” This has now started, and runs From what we’ve seen of Sunset Season’s Greetings, it’s a cute offering, albeit an odd juxtaposition on the normally spooky Tower of Terror.

Sunset Season’s Greetings is a projection show consisting of vignettes from Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, Mickey’s Christmas Carol, the Muppets, and Toy Story, plus appearances by the Prep & Landing characters. There are also giant projections on “billboard” screens around Sunset Boulevard, and synchronized lights on palm trees. Read our Sunset Season’s Greetings Info & Tips post for more viewing strategy, and what else you should do at Disney’s Hollywood Studios during the Christmas season.

Over at Echo Lake, the Flurry of Fun consists of decorations throughout the area, including the introduction of SANTA GERTIE! There are also oversized Christmas ornaments in Echo Lake, as well as a giant Christmas tree, and other decor.

There’s also decor on Hollywood and Sunset Boulevards, and the park once again feels appropriately festive for Christmas. It’s all very well done, and a nice addition to Disney’s Hollywood Studios this Christmas. Still, no Osborne Lights, but it’s doubtful we’ll ever see something of that caliber again with Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and Toy Story Land coming in the next couple of years.

In terms of characters decked out for Christmas, the highlight is Minnie’s Holiday Dine, a holiday-themed character meal at Hollywood & Vine. We dined here last November, and shared our thoughts and photos in our Minnie’s Holiday Dine Review . There’s also a new Santa meet & greet, and also new holiday outfits for some of the characters. That’s about it, though.

For those of you nostalgic for the Osborne Lights (or curious as to what it was), here’s some info: The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights were a tradition at Walt Disney World. Located on the Hollywood Studios backlot on the Streets of America, it was a veritable city of lights. One of the highlights of the display was Baby Sinclair from Dinosaurs inside one of the windows on the Streets of America.

Disney’s Animal Kingdom.

Disney’s Animal Kingdom will be open nightly during the Christmas season. Rivers of Light will be running multiple times per night (possibly with a holiday tag?), and Pandora – World of Avatar will be open late every night.

You should also notice intriguing Christmas decor placed around the park (see above) that seemed like a precursor for what was to come. There were no announcements about the increase in decorations and it wasn’t highly publicized online, but the decorations looked nice.

Last year, Disney has announced that there will be more decorations in Animal Kingdom to illuminate the park during its standard Animal Kingdom After Dark offerings. No specific Christmas entertainment is offered, aside from a holiday meet & greet with Mickey & Minnie Mouse at Adventurers Outpost. Expect the park to look festive, at least!

Disney Springs.

Another new Christmas offering last year was the Christmas Tree Trail at Disney Springs, which is their new holiday draw now that construction is nearly complete. This will consist of 15 trees, each themed to a different Disney characters (including one dedicated to Mickey & Minnie, The Muppets, Tangled, and more!). Honestly…it’s not very good. We shared our thoughts (and photos) of this, plus other photos & reviews in our new Tips for Disney Springs at Christmas post.

In addition to the Christmas Tree Trail, there’s the potential return of last year’s Christmas tree drone show. It’s unclear whether this was a one-time show as a proof-of-concept for the technology, or if it will be a regular thing, but we hope it returns!

Aside from the beautiful decorations and roaming entertainment, that’s the highlight of Disney Springs at Christmas. There are also other decorations, and you can expect live entertainment, holiday carolers, a street party, and photo ops. Over at the Once Upon a Toy fountain, toys will “come alive” for an interactive nightly holiday dance party. There will be pin trading, a nightly tree lighting ceremony, and more.

Last year, we went to Disney Springs several times during the Christmas season and noticed a few things. First, there were way more decorations than in the past few years. It was festive in a way that it has not been in at least 5 years–maybe longer. Expect that to increase even more this year, as construction has nearly winded down.

Second, and most importantly, it was insanity on weekends. For a lot of locals who don’t have Walt Disney World Annual Passes, Disney Springs is a way to enjoy free Christmas entertainment during the holiday season. These locals are most likely to visit on weekends. Add to that the normal mix of tourists, and you have huge crowds.

As such, we strongly encourage you to visit Disney Springs on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. Arrive by 4 p. m. and stay until just after dusk, or arrive really late (after the parks close). Disney Springs will be busiest between 6 and 8 p. m. nightly. If you’re new to Disney Springs–or haven’t been since it was converted from Downtown Disney–you’ll want to read our Disney Springs Tips & Tricks post, as it is a massive entertainment district to explore!

Resort Hotels.

Highlights include the Deluxe Resorts (Grand Floridian, Wilderness Lodge, Animal Kingdom Lodge, Beach Club, BoardWalk, etc.) but other hotels are spruced up with wreaths and trees decorated with miles of garland, ribbon and glistening ornaments. Custom-made “edible” decorations at the resorts change yearly.

We cover the details of each hotel’s display as well as a best plan of attack for visiting the hotels efficiently on our “Free Self-Guided Yuletide Tour” page . Definitely check this out if you want to visit the resorts to see their decorations.

That’s a tour we made up a few years ago for ourselves to do during the morning on days we were attending Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party (back before we had Annual Passes), and we love it so much that we still do it every year. We’ve had a lot of readers tell us they’ve really enjoyed following the steps of that tour, so we’d highly recommend checking it out, and potentially trying it for yourself!

Several Deluxe Hotels have either a large Christmas tree or a seasonal display that is well worth seeing. The great thing about most deluxe resorts is that they’re in close proximity to one another. You can easily reach the Grand Floridian, Polynesian, and Contemporary from the Magic Kingdom monorail station and Wilderness Lodge via boat.

Similarly, the Yacht & Beach Club and Boardwalk are easily accessible by foot or boat from Epcot or Disney’s Hollywood Studios. About the only Deluxe that is worth visiting that’s not easily accessible is Animal Kingdom Lodge.

There are some neat decorations at the Moderates and Values, and the decorations are all themed to the specific resort, which is pretty cool. If you have interest in a specific “style” of Christmas, you might want to check out a specific resort (for example, if you like New Orleans’ take on Christmas, check out Port Orleans French Quarter).

Same goes if you’re a really, really big fan of Christmas decorations. Everyone else probably should bother making trips to the Moderates and Values to see their decorations. While neat, it just isn’t worth the time.

The one exception to this might be Fort Wilderness. There are some awesome displays put up by long-terms guests on the campground loop. If you have time one afternoon, take a boat over from the Magic Kingdom, have dinner at Trail’s End, and enjoy some of these cool displays.

Planning a Griswold-style Christmas Vacation at Walt Disney World? Use our resources to help plan! If you’re interested in learning more about hotels, our Walt Disney World Hotels Reviews page is a good place to start. For where to eat, try out our Walt Disney World Restaurant Reviews page. If you want to save money on tickets or determine which type you should get, read our Tips for Saving Money on Walt Disney World Tickets post. Our What to Pack for Disney Trips post takes a unique look at unconventional things you should take on your trip. Once you arrive at the parks, our Walt Disney World “Ride Guides” are great for determining what to do and when to do it. For overviews of all of these topics and so much more, the best place to start is our comprehensive Walt Disney World Trip Planning Guide to make the most of your experience!

Your Thoughts…

What are your top tips for enjoying Walt Disney World during the holiday season? Have any questions about the holidays at Walt Disney World that aren’t answered here? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

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Written by Tom Bricker.

HELP…We are due to fly out to Orlando in 2 days and are visiting Magic Kingdom on xmas eve, we have dinner booked and paid for at the Castle at 9.45pm so we were not going to go until alunch but now I am scared we will not get in and miss the dinner! Do they close the park or just let people in as people leave? My 4 children are so excited to be having dinner in the princess castle I can’t face not getting in 🙁

Is there snow fall on Main Street USA on Christmas Day or is the snowfall only on nights of MVMCP?

I would love to hear from readers that have already been to the mvmcp this, what they liked/didn’t like, food options/opinions..

We’re headed to Disney from January 1st to the 8th. How long will Christmas decorations, events, parades, and special fireworks be going on?

I also wanted to know this we are there 23rd December until the 7th of Jan but was only going to visit Magical Kingdom the first week and the rest tehsecond but I dont want to miss the decorations ect.

Did you find out when they take down the decorations?

Does anyone know why the park hours are shorted the week of Dec 18th at Disneyland? Park is open until midnight every day in December, but closes at 9pm in the week leading up to Christmas. Do you think these hours could be extended?

We will be visitng WDW late Nov. and my daughter loves Santa. We are planning on doing our holiday photos with Santa there, and wanted to see if you had any photos of each of the Santa Meet and Greet set-ups. I’ve heard Hollywood Studios is fantastic, but would love to see the color schemes in each Santa photo op location. Do you have any photos of the different Santa locations?

Is there anything Christmas or Holiday cheer from January 1st to the 6th?

Jen did you ever hear back about xmas stuff jan 1 to 6th? we will be there at that time and i believe there is but not much.

No I haven’t! It seems like a few have the same question. I have read other stuff where it states holiday finishes the 31st. I believe Disneyland goes on till Jan. 6th, which is what I was hoping for at Disney World.

What is Disney like on Christmas Day?

We are going to Disney World from 12/22 (my birthday) to 01/01. I’m beginning to feel woefully unprepared as we’re making final plans (probably stuff we should have already done). Everything is paid for except for the dining plan which I just added this week. To top it off, this will be the FIRST time we visit WDW–we being my wife and I, plus our 4 kids (10, 11, 14, 15).

We’re insane, right. I do believe that being there during Christmas will be a magical experience. We don’t mind large crowds. Overall, I am seriously hoping this trip is enjoyable and we get bang for our buck. I’m getting anxious though.

If you don’t mind crowds, you’ll (hopefully) be fine. Just make sure you have FastPass+ reservations and arrive early each morning!

I’m reading through your blog and posts, and find them very beneficial. I was originally planning MK on Christmas Day, but am debating on changing that to Epcot or a non-park day. Alguma ideia?

I am also a little nervous about our upcoming Christmas trip, but our strategy is to get park hoppers and visit two parks a day to “hedge our bets” on whether we wind up at the busiest park on a given day. It will be hectic, but still magical I hope! We are also getting MVMCP one night to do the thing Tom says not to do and ride attractions with shorter lines, so that we can be sure we can at least hit all the kids’ favorites beyond our 3 allotted fastpasses for MK.

If you aren’t right on reservations when windows open, your best chance is to do it last minute. Download the app and be fluent in how to change dining reservations and Fast Passes. Check for the reservations you want the week of, and even day-of. My friend went on a last minute trip a few weeks ago and snagged a Chef Mickey’s reservation for her whole family the day before their trip. When our daughters were younger, we gave up an Elsa and Anna meet-and-greet Fast Pass for the next day because we chanced into meeting them the day before. We made four people very happy, I’m sure! Still have a Plan A with your wishlist ready. Good luck, and Happy Birthday!

Oh! And snag a birthday pin and be sure your birthday is up to date in the system. Sometimes magic happens when they know it is your actual birthday.

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The 30 Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges in 2018 – O guia final.

Interested in the latest and easily most popular way to invest in your future? Curious as to where to buy Bitcoins and how to go about doing so? This is the ultimate coin exchange guide and will provide information on the 30 best cryptocurrency exchanges in 2017 .

By the end of this guide, you will have knowledge on 30 of the most popular cryptocurrency trading platforms. We are confident that you will be able to make a decision as to the best ways to buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency as well as which website to buy from.

The Top 5 Cryptocurrency Exchanges – Our Favourites.

Credit/Debit, WU, MoneyGram.

Wire, Credit/Debit, AstroPay.

The Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges – Rever.

Quick navigation to all the exchanges we reviewed.

1. Coinbase Review.

Coinbase makes buying Bitcoin an easy and headache free process as it offers availability in several currency zones. Created in 2012 and represented in over 30 countries with the largest population of customers coming from the USA, UK, and Brazil, you can rest assured that your funds are secure and that you are purchasing from a trustworthy platform. Coinbase is easily one of the best cryptocurrency exchanges we reviwed.

Your deposits are insured however if your account was to get hacked with your password, you would not get your money back. It is critical to have a long and unique password that is impossible to guess. Offers two digital wallet options. Cryptocurrency trading with others is easy.

Security measures are so stringent that you may experience the freezing of your account from time to time so you may have to wait to use your account. If you are planning to use your Bitcoin purchases towards gambling or other questionable items, you should avoid this service as all withdrawals are carefully tracked.

2. CEX. IO Review.

CEX. IO is trusted by over 700,000 users from all over the world who have an interest in the popular Bitcoin trade. Using CEX. IO is simple as all you have to do is deposit money from your debit or credit card or transfer money from your checking account to your CEX. IO account and you will be well on your way to trading cryptocurrency in no time. CEX. IO is definetly in the top 5 best cryptocurrency exchanges right now.

Known as one of the best Bitcoin trading platforms available, you will be able to instantly begin trading from the web, mobile app, or Websocket. Offers worldwide coverage as well as service in at least 24 states within the USA. Buy btc with great payment options such as Visa, Mastercard, bank transfer, and cryptocurrency.

Due to cloud mining operations closing in January 2015, this website is now only operating as a marketplace for Bitcoin exchange. While you can instantly begin to trade, this platform works on “FOK” otherwise known as “fill” or “kill” orders. This means that what you agreed to pay is what you will pay. There is no way to change your mind. This may not be the place to obtain the best crptocurrency exchange rates as you will likely get a better rate if you use a site that allows others to sell to you.

3. Coinmama Review.

Many virtual currency consumers state that Coinmama is the easiest Bitcoin marketplace to open a new account and get started with the craze that is quickly becoming coin exchange. Coinmama gained popularity when they first started out in 2012 because they were one of the only Bitcoin trading sites that allowed users to deposit funds with a Western Union transfer.

Offers great quality service that has been trusted since 2012. Coinmama is one of the most well known and trusted places to buy Bitcoin online. Easy to make a deposit and open an account with your credit card.

Because of the ease of use in accepting credit cards, Coinmama is known to have one of the higher user fees of up to 6.5% depending on your payment method. If you have other payment method options, it is best to go to another site that will charge less Bitcoin fees.

4. Localbitcoins Review.

If you are looking for a solid btc trading platform that allows you to connect with others in your local area for cryptocurrency exchange, Localbitcoins is a great place to start! While this service is not available worldwide, it was founded in 2012 and has been servicing over 248 countries.

This Bitcoin trade platform offers an escrow service that ensures fairness to users buying and selling bitcoin. To sign up, all that is required is a valid email address. This website does not ask for personal information, however, other users can request identification before agreeing to trade Bitcoins. Fees are simple as each transaction costs 1% and is paid by the seller. Typically the seller will include this fee in the asking price. In addition to the 1% fee, there is a network fee.

The chances of getting scammed on this website are high so it is imperative that you are diligent in staying safe and educating oneself on how to trade Bitcoin with peers. If you are just starting out with cryptocurrency exchanges you may want to try another website that is more user friendly towards newcomers. If you are looking for a place that makes buying bitcoins online in bulk an easy process that is inexpensive, you will want to try another site as this one is not suitable for large purchases.

5. Changelly Review.

The ability to track transactions is one of the highlighted features of this site. Many boast that the interface is clean, user-friendly, and offers some unique features such as low exchange fees, the ability to track transactions, and allows you to exchange Bitcoin into other allowable cryptocurrency.

Advertises themselves as being fair from the standpoint that other crypto trading services will charge a commission as well as a fee to withdrawal. Changelly will only charge 0.5% for crypto to crypto exchange. Offers quick transactions. Changelly is trusted by thousands of crypto traders.

While Changelly does offer the ability to buy cryptocurrency with a debit or credit card, the fees to do so are very high at up to 40%. It is recommended to use another site for this service. Not all transactions take place in real time which means that you could buy btc online for one price but then actually receive a lesser amount because of the exchange time.

6. BitPanda Review.

BitPanda, formerly known as Coinimal, is well known as the best place for buying and selling Bitcoins and Ethereum in Europe. With the option to purchase 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, accessing Bitcoins for sale has never been easier. This service offers 10 payment options including Skrill, Neteller, Sepa, Amazon, and Visa or Mastercard.

Offers a free Bitcoin wallet. When buying btc the transaction is often fast which makes this site one of the best ways to buy bitcoins. Promises great online customer support.

Many website will display the fees as a separate cost. At BitPanda, the fee is included in the price that you pay. Some do not like that you have to submit your identification before making a purchase as this decreases one’s privacy.

7. Coinhouse Review.

This company makes the exchange of Bitcoin easy as it makes the payment process simple. To simplify the process for you, Coinhouse will purchase Kraken crypto and sell it to you. This is particularly helpful as Kraken trading can be confusing and they do not accept debit or credit cards. After validating your account by holding up government identification of who you are and submitting it for approval, you will be able to purchase btc with Coinhouse.

A solid, trustworthy, Bitcoin broker that responds to emails and provides great customer service. Great for buyers living in Europe who are looking for the best way to buy Bitcoin. Best way to buy Bitcoin with credit card in Europe.

High fees which isn’t bad if you are buying in small quantities however if you plan to purchase in bulk, you will want to use another Bitcoin dealer. There is a monthly limit to how much you can purchase.

8. Kraken Review.

Kraken is a well known Bitcoin website that charges low fees and is used by professionals all over the world. Boasting unparalleled security features, strong relationships with banks, and the ability to make quick transactions, Kraken is a favorite place for millions to buy Bitcoin online. Easily rated one of the top 10 trading platforms in the business, you can feel confident in doing business with Kraken.

A well trusted and respected way to buy Bitcoin worldwide. Founded in 2011 and has been successful at staying reputable in a competitive market. To use the service, you must sign in with a previously created two-factor authentication which means that you are making trades or exchanges in a security manner.

New users may find this website challenging because of the kraken margin trading, lack of payment options, and high fees on small transactions. The fee structure can be complicated to understand as there coversion, slippage, withdrawal, and deposit fees associated with trading Bitcoin with Kraken.

9. Bitstamp Review.

Like Kraken, Bitstamp has been in the game since 2011 and is still one of the best btc exchange places on the internet. You can rest assured that your money is safe when making a transaction with Bitstamp as over 98% of digital funds are stored in offline locations. Bitstamp makes digital currency exchanges fast and secure no matter how much you purchase.

Bitstamp is consistently ranked high on many top cryptocurrency lists as they do not scam users with hidden fees. Because of the ability to purchase with credit cards, Bitstamp is among the easiest ways to buy bitcoins. First nationally licensed Bitcoin exchanger.

Altcoin exchange and margin trading services are not offered. Inconsistent transaction time. Users state that transactions appear within minutes the first couple of times and then may take up to 5 days for transactions after that. Customer service is responsive within an hour and the problem does not persist on future crypto exchanges.

10. HitBTC Review.

One of the newer cryptocurrency exchange sites, HitBTC came on the scene in 2015 and is based out of London. While they may be new, their volume has consistently been on the rise since their conception. Offering great security with two factor authentication and varying trading fees based on timing of transaction execution, HitBTC is becoming a favorite among those interested in uk btc exchange.

Easy to use platform that welcomes new users to the world of cryptocurrency exchange. Professional traders can enjoy high liquidity and low fees. Daily backups of software and and can be accessed by computer or mobile device.

Some have reported on various forums that this platform is not the safest way to buy Bitcoin. Inconsistent reviews on various websites about the quality of service and response from customer service team.

11. 247exchange Review.

Providing a easy to understand user interface and transparency of fees upfront is quite a perk with this service. In addition, the ability to purchase Bitcoins with your credit card is possible after going through a verification process. While this Bitcoin currency exchange service is good, the verification process and the requirement of using English only on documents does not make this service one of the best Bitcoin exchanges out there. The main reason for this is that it can be challenging to use and may take time to get verified.

Easy to use interface that can be accessed from your computer or mobile device. Part of the verification process requires a phone number which you can manage easily from your smartphone with a text message. Good customer service with a promising future as they are committed to improving their Bitcoin site to make it more user friendly and responsive with the verification process.

If you do not speak English, you may have trouble with some of the verification documents. Credit card verification process can take up to 2 days. Communication about verification process could be improved.

12. POLONIEX Review.

The Poloniex exchange is US based and offers great security by monitoring programs that are on all day, every day. Simply, Google search Poloniex review and you will find a plethora of information about the service and how it is trustworthy for both new users and professionals alike. This cryptocurrency trading platform has become so popular that it is overloaded with users which is making customer service responses quite slow.

Offers good liquidity. Offers Altcoin exchanges. Founded in 2014 and located in San Francisco, California this Altcoins exchange is focused on servicing the US market but can service those around the world as well.

Many users rave about the platform however because it has become popular so fast, more customer service staff is needed so that responses to requests and questions can occur in a more timely manner. Does not offer Fiat trading.

13. BitBay Review.

Bitbay is a Bitcoin exchange service located in Poland but does offer global trading opportunities. While this service is not the cheapest way to buy Bitcoin, the fees are lower than other competitors. Just be sure to exchange rate compare with several sites so that you can make the most informed decision at the time of purchase.

Bitbay offers an easy to use interface with many great features so you will be making bitcoin exchanges in no time. This Bitcoin marketplace allows you to set the price that you are willing to pay and how many cryptos you want to purchase. Bitbay allows you to make a transaction instantly that will give you the current market price. If you are unable to make the purchases on your own, you can have a bot trade for you.

If you are located in Poland or other countries in Europe, this coin exchanger is a great choice. However, if you are located in other parts of the world, it is better to use a Bitcoin service that is more local. Some users have reported that the site is not consistently stable which can be a cause for concern. If you are a user located in Poland, you have the ability to get a Bitbay debit card that is backed by Mastercard. However if you are located in any other part of the world, you do not have this privilege.

14. Bittrex Review.

Based in the United States, this crypto coin market is well known for Bittrex margin trading. Litecoin, NEO and OmiseGo are all able to be traded into Bitcoin with this exchange coinbase. Offering confidentiality trading and trustworth practices as they follow USA financial law. Bittrex holds a New York Bitlicense and are therefore well known as Bittrex New York.

Some users have called this cryptocurrency exchange to be the “TD Ameritrade” of cryptocurrency brokers. A good resource to use when wanting to trade btc into other cryptocurrency. Easy to use platform and lightning speed transaction times.

Fees for withdrawal are high. Verification time takes longer than other currency trading platforms. Customer service could react faster.

15. Bitfinex Review.

Based out of Hong Kong, this cryptocurrency exchange site is very popular among those who want to trade cryptocurrency in US dollars. Since 2014, Bitfinex has consistently been listed among the top list of cryptocurrency performers in 2017. Because of their trustworthy practices, transparent policies, and ease of use, Bitfinex is a major player in the world of cryptocurrency markets.

Great tools available at your fingertips, literally by downloading the app onto your smartphone. Offers margin funding and margin trading. Provides one of the largest platforms that offers electronic currency exchanging.

There is only one way to make a deposit and that is through SWIFT with a bank transfer. Customer service may take time to respond to concerns or questions. Withdrawals can take longer than a day to process.

16. CoinCorner Review.

Created in 2014, CoinCorner makes buying Bitcoin an easy endeavor as you can buy or sell from your mobile app. In addition, there is a generous affiliate program that offers up to 25% commission as well as daily Bitcoin payments. Finally, CoinCorner is managed by peers that work hard to keep the software platform open-source so that anyone can buy.

Can be on the more expensive side of exchanging coin. Highly responsive support team. Not only do they respond to inquiries but they are active in responding to posts on various forums as well. User friendly interface for those who are just starting out with btc exchanges.

Account verification is required which can slow down the process. Be sure to check forums as helpful information is listed there such as which internet browsers are not working or other problems that are persisting. Setup help videos are not very helpful. You are better off setting it up on your own by figuring things out instead of watching a video that was unable to keep attention.

17. XMLGold Review.

Offering a simple exchange process that can be used by those both new to buying cryptocurrency and the experienced. Based out of Seychelles, this website is considered one of the best cryptocurrency platforms in the game as it can be accessed and used all over the world. Quick service and the option to pay using paypal makes this service a good one to try.

Offers bank account or paypal exchanges. Long track record of success as it was established in 2006 to help companies convert currency into other currencies. Great accessibility to the website no matter what time of day.

Could improve customer service response time. Fees can be high. Most feedback online states that the service is fast, however there are some complaints of slow transaction times and lack of customer service response.

18. Unichange. me Review.

A leader among cryptocurrency exchangers, this platform is a trusted money exchanger and debit card provider. Most often used by those traveling from one country to another, this website allows you to exchange cryptocurrency with ease.

Support offered via chat or or ticket system. If you are researching how to buy cryptocurrency, this website is great for beginners as the customer service is reliable and helpful. Allows for the exchange of Bitcoin to Paypal.

Does not work with Skrill. Some report a delay of 24 hours for an exchange to process. Very little negative information or customer feedback was found online in forums.

19. LakeBTC Review.

Lake BTC or Lake Banking Technology Company is based out of Shanghai and serves as the most popular of Bitcoin exchanges among the Asian population. While the website boasts that it offers great security, the site does not require verification before one can begin to trade and exchange.

No trading limits for unverified accounts. Taxas competitivas Accepts a variety of Fiat currencies.

Website needs to be improved to be more user friendly. Needs to offer more trading options other than btc trading for Fiat currency.

20. Yobit Review.

This website caters to those who are interested in English, Russian, and Chinese trading exchanges. It is easy and quick to sign up for an account and if you have the Google authenticator installed, the verification process is just as simple. Note that the only FIAT currency that is accepted is US Dollars.

Easy to use for both beginners and professionals who trade coins online. Offers secure two-factor authentication. The website is user friendly and easy to manage.

This site is not considered to be the best Bitcoin exchange because the time for a withdrawal to process is substantial. There are a number of forums that have many complaints about the customer service and the transaction time.

21. Coincheck Review.

Based out of Japan, this coinbase exchange caters to mostly the Japanese but is available in English and accepts USD. With its user-friendly interface and mobile app, many are choosing to use this easy way to buy Bitcoin as a top option.

Up to date user information on the Coincheck blog. On August 23, 2017 a statement was released stating that due to increased frequency on the trade site, the fees have increased. Offers a mobile app and a user-friendly website that makes trading easy. Ability to purchase Bitcoins and Ether currency with credit cards or international wire transfers.

It us unknown if anyone from the USA is being verified at this time. The time varies for transactions.

22. GDAX Review.

Owned by Coinbase, Inc. out of San Francisco, CA, this website was born in May 2016 with the goal of appealing to those interested in Bitcoin and additional currencies. This website is open to worldwide trading and focuses on appealing to the global market.

The GDAX exchange has a straightforward verification process that is well publicized. Open to international trading. Reasonable fees.

While there is currently not a GDAX app available for mobile devices, the website is still responsive. Lacks privacy due to the detailed verification process.

23. Buy Some Bitcoins Review.

If you are looking for a place to buy Bitcoin now without verification, this is a great site for you as it allows you to purchase with a debit card or gift card without proof of identity.

Allows users to buy Bitcoin using Paypal, credit/debit cards, or gift cards. Does not require verification. Offers good customer service support.

Lack of verification could mean that the website is not secure or trustworthy. Inconsistent reviews found online.

24. UNOCOIN Review.

Known as India’s most popular way to buy cheap Bitcoins, this website allows for purchases to be made with Indian Rupees. In addition, this website offers a low 1% fee for transactions of buying and selling Bitcoin. The more you trade, the cheaper the fees.

After trading on this site for 60 days, you could be eligible for a decrease in fees. Fast transaction time. Ability to earn free Bitcoins.

Verification time can be long. Primarily marketed towards those who live in India.

25. Coinfloor Review.

If you want to buy Bitcoins UK, this website is a good option for you as it caters to that market. Traders can enjoy low trading fees and the first transfer takes up to 4 days compared to others that take longer. If you are based in the UK and are comparing trading sites, Coinfloor should be on your list to try.

Great place to buy Bitcoin UK as the GBP is strong. Easy to use website. Offers management meetup events in London.

Verification process is long and cumbersome. Not the best place to trade in USD or EURO as the liquidity is not good.

26. Coinsbank Review.

This platform was formerly known as BIT-X and has changed names and offers exchange, wallet, and payment services. While it has been redesigned and offers a variety of digital exchanges, the plethora of negative opinions online can skew the customer a great deal.

Accepts many currencies. Offers great functionality and several services in one place. Customer service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Consistently has negative reviews in various forums. Withdrawal process can take weeks to complete. High fees.

27. Bitso Review.

This Mexican currency exchange platform was created in 2014 and has been successful at Bitcoin and Ethereum exchanges for Mexican Pesos. Withdrawals can be made with Ripple. What makes this website so attractive is its easy user-friendly interface and great security.

Offers wallets with multi-signature features to access funds for better security. Great opportunity for the Mexican population to have access to digital currency trading.

Mandatory withdrawal fees. The reason for this is the growth of Bitcoins trading. Only available to the Mexican region with Mexican Pesos.

28. Luno Review.

This UK-based coin marketplace was formerly known as BitX and now offers both wallet and exchange services to a variety of countries around the world. Known to be fast, reliable, and affordable, many are putting this on their list of Bitcoin exchanges to try. Offering a trustworthy website as well as a decent mobile app, Luno is set to grow with the expansion of cryptocurrency trading sites.

Transfer funds for free with a bank transfer. However, there may be fees based on your location. Offers a Bitcoin wallet in beta within Canada, India, and Europe. Accessible for mobile users as there is an app.

Solely a Bitcoin platform. No legal licenses known to date. Transaction charges are based on your location as well as how you are paying. For example, credit card fees are 1.5% whereas bank transfers are free.

29. Bisq Review.

Bisq offers users decentralized cryptocurrency exchange services and P2P exchange trading opportunities. You could be up and trading in less than 10 minutes by downloading the easy to use mobile app and setting up an account. Note that this service is currently in Beta and can be downloaded for free by anyone.

Offers peer-to-peer trading and is not censored. Does not require verification or an account setup. Will not hold funds.

May not be as secure as other digital currencies exchange options available. This service is still in Beta. While offered as a downloadable app, it works best on a desktop.

30. Gatecoin Review.

This cryptocurrency exchange platform is regulated and prides itself on being secure, reliable, and successful with low-cost exchanges. Easily buy Bitcoin via paypal or credit card. Based in Hong Kong, this platform was formed in 2013 and is considered to be a regulated money service operator that is highly trusted.

Known to be very secure. Offers low-latency trading tools. Easy to use and can be accessed via smartphone or tablet.

Money transfer fees vary based on type. 3 levels of verification which can be cumbersome.

What is a cryptocurrency exchange?

In the simplest of terms, cryptocurrency websites that offer a platform where you can buy, sell, or exchange cryptocurrencies for international currency such as US Dollars or Euros as well as digital currency is considered an exchange. Another great way to think of an exchange is like a bank. There are a variety of different types of cryptocurrency banks online that can assist you in trading with peers or serving as a place where you can buy or sell Bitcoins or Ether cryptocurrency in a single cryptocoin marketplace. Depending on which of the cryptocurrency exchanges you choose to use, you may find different fee structures or verification procedures. Those with high consumer satisfaction and positive reviews tend to have higher cryptocurrency rates than other websites but there can be a variety of factors as to why this is. Security, reliability, timely customer care response, quick transaction times, and fair pricing are all factors that could play a role in fee structures. The top cryptocurrency marketplaces often require a stringent verification process that may require a passport, ID, and other information to become eligible and confirmed for trading Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. If you would rather not submit all of your personal information to begin trading crypto, there are currency trading sites that do not require it. However, these currency platforms tend to lack in positive customer satisfaction and are typically not at the top of the cryptocurrency 2017 marketplace list. It is wise to do your research on various cryptocurrency websites before making a decision as to which one you will use on a regular basis.

To learn more about cryptocurrency exchanges and how to use them, check out this video that will provide the information you need to get started.

What different types of exchanges are there?

There are three cryptocurrency exchange types and they are trading platforms, direct trading, and brokers.

Direct trading platforms provide a marketplace for buyers and sellers to exchange international currency at an exchange rate determined by the seller. Crypto trading platforms allow buyers and sellers to trade from each other and they charge a fee per transaction. Brokers provide global access to currency at a price they determine. Each has their own set of rules and a list of digital currencies in which they accept, sell, or exchange.

The main difference between the exchanges is that some require you to make a deposit into an account whereas others will allow you to make a transaction instantly without making a deposit first. It is important to keep in mind that if you make a deposit you have more to risk than if you use a service like Changelly or Bisq that allows you to make a transaction without a deposit.

What important things should you think about before choosing an exchange?

Before making a decision that will impact your financial portfolio, it is important to do diligent research on the type of trading you will do and determine the platform that will work best for your goals. Be sure to look for the following information before making a decision:

Verification process . Bitcoin UK and Bitcoin USA exchanges both require ID verification to make deposits or withdrawals. While verification can take upwards of a few days for processing, websites that have this requirement are typically more secure and are protected from scams and dishonest money laundering. Modes of payment accepted . How you buy digital currency will vary based on website and modes that they accept. Remember that credit card transactions, while quick, will typically require a level of ID verification and are more susceptible to fraud whereas bank transfers can take up to several days. Speed . If you want to make sure that your transaction happens instantly, you will likely want to use your credit card. If you do not mind how long the exchange takes, using a bank transfer may be a better option and cost less in fees. Reputation . Read comparison reviews and research forums for feedback and user experience testimonies for each platform you are considering. The information you find online can be enlightening and may save you from a negative experience. Fees . It is typical for websites to charge a fee for the service that they offer. Be sure to look for transaction, deposit, and withdrawal information before submitting your information on a site. Like exchange rates, fees will vary greatly. Privacidade. Check the verification requirements. If you are not comfortable with submitting your passport and ID for proof of identity, you will want to look for a site that does not have such a requirement. Limitations . Be sure to read the fine print as there are often limits on how much you can withdrawal in a transaction. Some websites also restrict new users to limits. Exchange rate . Look around at sites for buying and selling as exchange rates and transaction fees can vary by up to 10%. Shopping around can save you a substantial amount of money. Locations . It is common for exchanges to be limited to certain geographical locations. Before joining a site, make sure that you have determined if the currency trading exchange offers the features and payment options you are interested in as well as availability in your area.

What risks do you need to be careful with exchanges?

The first thing to learn about coin trade is to never, no matter what, store your coins on an exchange. No matter how secure the exchange claims to be, if you do not own the private key code that allows you to access the coins on the site, you are not truly the owner. While secure coin wallets can cost money, they are worth it to secure your investment.

Another risk to be aware of is that digital currency is considered to be worth as much as the typical bill or coin way of exchanging currency. In addition, it is also valuable like silver and gold. This means that based on the market, the value of your cryptocoin prices can vary based on the fluctuation in the market. Think of your coins as if they were a corporation on the stock market. Based on the results of the day trading cryptocurrency your coins’ value can go up or down.

Remember that cryptocoins are encrypted with coding as a security measure. While this is good, whoever owns the coding is truly the owner of the cryptocurrency. This is risky as whoever has the code is the owner of the currency which means that if the code happens to disappear, the cryptocurrency is thus gone as well.

Finally, it is critical to remember that no matter how valuable your cryptocurrency is at the moment, it can become obsolete at any time which could leave you out of the money you had invested.

What is the safest exchange?

While there is a large list of cryptocurrency exchanges to choose from, all of them vary based on levels of security, reliability, and trustworthiness. When trading coin online, you do so at your own risk and there is very little to protect you and your investment. Therefore, it is critical to do research and find what you perceive to be the safest exchange to use.

Based on the extensive research we have done on your behalf, we find that Coinbase is among the consistently highest rated on trading platform reviews. Coinbase is available in 33 countries, all of the European Union, and in most states within the USA. In addition, Coinbase strives to be legal and require your passport and driver’s license for verification. You have to submit a webcam photo, credit card for backup payment, and sometimes a temporary password to your bank account. The stringent measures to become a verified user demonstrates Coinbases’ priority to being legal and secure.

What are the best Bitcoin exchanges?

The best Bitcoin exchanges are subjective based on the user and their needs. For example, Coinbase has a great reputation and charges low fees, however, it is not available for global trade and their customer service support team takes time to respond. However, CoinMama is another great one on many Bitcoin exchange reviews as they accept credit cards, offer an easy to use interface, and promise quick transactions. BitPanda is another good one but their prices may appear to be high. This is because their fees are hidden in the exchange rate. This platform is also available in the European Union.

Most reliable btc trading sites charge btc fees for their service. It is challenging to say what one website is the best place to buy and sell Bitcoin but the more research you do the more you will learn what will be best for you, your needs, and your financial goals.

How to buy Bitcoin from an exchange?

There are several ways to buy btc online but the best, most reliable and quickest way to do so is by credit or debit card. When you first start to buy btc, there will likely be limits to how much you can purchase. When you establish yourself as a trustworthy investor, your limits will increase. While it sounds easy, there are credit and debit card fees that can add up over time. The reason for these fees is because of the increased risk in fraud and processing fees. If you want to avoid credit card fees and buy Bitcoin with USD, the best way to do so is with a connected bank account through Coinbase.

The bottom line, when you buy Bitcoins cheap, is to check for the exchange rates, speed of transaction, limit amounts, accepted payment methods, fees, regulatory compliance, and privacy. The smartest consumers invest in a Bitcoin wallet that will keep your Bitcoin safe and accessible.

If you’re still unsure about buying Bitcoin we recommend that you check out youtube for videos about how to buy Bitcoins in the US and worldwide.

The ultimate guide to planning a budget Disney World vacation, for cheap.

Advice on doing Disney cheap litters the Internet. That's because Disney World is wildly popular -- and can be wildly expensive. People want to find ways to cut the cost of visiting the world's most popular theme park resort.

But too much budget travel advice relies on tricks and cheats that, frankly, don't apply to most visitors. Have you seen them? Sorry, but most people don't have a vast reservoir of frequent flyer miles to dip into for free tickets to Orlando. Or the sterling credit that enables them to open up another credit card account to snag more free miles. The worst piece I saw bragged that they've gotten a "free" room on-site at Disney World by… using their DVC points.

You've got to be kidding me. (For those who don't know, DVC stands for the "Disney Vacation Club" and is Disney's time-share business. While DVC can be a great deal for devoted Disney fans, buying into a timeshare isn't something that a family looking for a budget vacation ought to have to do.)

If you want a trick like that to save money on a Disney vacation, you might as well go for the best one: find a Disney World cast member who can sign you into the parks for free, then let you stay over at his or her house while you're in the area. That's the ultimate in getting into Disney on the cheap.

But let's get real. Let's look at how a family can enjoy a Disney World vacation for the lowest possible price -- without resorting to frequent flyer miles, timeshare points, credit cards or knowing someone who can get you into the parks for free.

Step One: Getting to Orlando.

You drive. If you've got more than two people in your family, driving's likely going to be cheaper than buying plane tickets for everyone to fly to Orlando. Plus, you'll have a car with you when you get there. Orlando is not a good city for walking or mass transit. A car is essential for getting around. Sure, Disney will pick you up at the airport and you can use its free transportation system if you stay at one of its official, on-site hotels. But you're on a budget and need a cheaper place to stay. Having a car with you allows you to stay off-site in a budget-priced hotel.

What about the time, and the cost of gas? If you live outside North America, your best bet for a discount Orlando vacation is to book through a tour operator that's working with Disney to package low-cost Orlando vacations. (We'll have an article about that next week, so you can skip the rest of this piece. *Update: Here's the link.) If you live in the Mountain or Pacific time zones, you'll be better off driving to Disneyland instead. It's closer and cheaper than Disney World for you on a roadtrip.

If you're worried about road conditions, postpone your trip until a time of year when the weather's clear. We're talking about doing Disney cheap here. Convenience costs money. And if you can't afford to drive because you've got a gas guzzler, well, you're not helping yourself by looking at your vacation costs to save money. You'd do better to save money every day by trading in for a fuel-efficient car instead. Do that, then plan your Disney roadtrip.

Step Two: Find a hotel.

Disney's got some great on-site hotels, with free transportation to and early admission into the parks. But they cost more than other hotel rooms in the area. We're talking cheap, remember? So we're going to look off-site.

You can search website such as Hotels for low rates on hotels near the Walt Disney World Resort. But if you want cheap, try bidding for a room on a blind-bid site such as Priceline. Here are the areas you want to include: Disney Maingate - Celebration Downtown Disney - Lake Buena Vista Sea World - Intl. Drive - Convention Center West Disney Area.

Don't go elsewhere, or you'll be wasting too much of your vacation time driving in traffic. Now, what to bid? I'd start with $20 a night. Sim. Twenty bucks. Believe it or not, unless you're visiting during Christmas week or over the Fourth of July, you can find hotel rooms in the Disney World area for that little each night, especially if you wait until the last minute to bid. They're not luxury rooms -- far from it. But you'll have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in and a bathroom and shower for the morning. And you'll cram your entire family into it, even if the kids have to sleep in sleeping bags on the floor.

And if a hotel's too rich for your taste, there's always Couchsurfing.

Step Three: Buying Disney tickets.

Do not , repeat, do not wait until you get to the park to buy your tickets. For best deal, you're going to buy your ticket in advance. Start with the Disney World website to see your options and find what's Disney's charging these days. The Walt Disney World Resort has four theme parks and you'll want to spend at least one full day in each. Don't bother with the "park-hopper" option. That costs more, and you're looking for the lowest possible ticket prices, remember? Notice that the price per day of Disney World tickets drops with every extra day you add. Decide how many days you can afford, but don't buy your tickets yet.

Disney's website is your worst-case scenario. Keeping that price in mind, it's time to shop around. Check with your local auto club, your human resources office at work, or your student union at school. (If you're in the military, check with your base, too.) See if any of them sell Disney World tickets, and if they can beat Disney's price on the ticket you want. Finally, look online at Undercover Tourist. Do not look at Craigslist, eBay or other online ticket brokers that sell unused days on someone else's Disney ticket. They won't work, and you'll lose your money. (Disney scans the finger of whoever who uses a ticket and won't let anyone else use that ticket to get into the park.)

Step Four: Inside the park.

Bring everything you need from home for your vacation: toiletries, sunscreen, plastic bandages (for blisters and such), snacks for the road, refillable water bottles, etc. You'll be in your car, so there's room for your stuff in back and no TSA "security theater" rules to follow. Never buy anything in a theme park that you can buy outside the park and bring with you.

Parking at the parks will cost you each day, unless your hotel provides free shuttle to the park, or you sneak into the Magic Kingdom parking lot. (Officially, I am telling you: "Don't do that.") Remember that once you pay to park for the day, your parking ticket allows you to come and go into any other Disney World theme park parking lot for no additional charge for the rest of the day. So you can leave and come back, if you'd like.

Get the most from your theme park tickets by arriving at the park before it opens in the morning. You're paying for every minute that park's open, so start at the beginning of the day, before crowds and lines have a chance to build. It's fine to take a break in the middle of the day -- when heat and crowds are at their worst -- then come back to the park in the evening, when the temperature and the lines start coming down.

You can bring food into the Disney theme parks, if you'd like (though no coolers, just in backpacks). But you can save money by ordering wisely and splitting meals in the parks, as well. Remember, you can't take the leftovers home in a doggie bag here. If you're not certain you'll finish it, don't order it. Stick with free water to drink and lay off the sugar. It'll just burn off quickly and leave you hungry again.

You're not buying souvenirs on your budget Disney World vacation, either. That doesn't mean you can't take home some mementos, though. Photos make great souvenirs and those Disney employees trying to take your picture so they can sell you a copy will be more than happy to snap a shot with your camera, too -- for no charge. I always pick up a couple of park guidemaps. I use one during the day and then pick up another (unwrinkled) one as I leave, for a souvenir. If you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary or any other occasion, many parks will give you a free button to wear around the park -- ask for it at the guest relations desk near the front gate. Bring a blank notebook and pen from home and characters will sign autographs for you, too. (Here's another post about finding freebies at Walt Disney World.)

So there you go -- those are the "secrets" to a cheap, inexpensive, budget Disney World vacation. Now that you know what's involved, you can ask yourself, "do I really want to go that cheaply?" Start with this plan as a base, then plan to spend more to get more comfort and enjoyment from your trip, as your budget allows.

First step, just man up and pay for the parking, if you can't get a free shuttle. Then consider upgrading the quality of your hotel, by restricting your bid to a higher star rating (and bidding more), or booking directly with a specific hotel. If you can visit during the school year, go ahead and take a look at Disney World's special offers page. For stays during the fall and spring, Disney often offers discounted hotel rooms and even free dining plans for people who stay on-site. Those might bring an "official" Disney hotel within your budget. Finally, think about setting aside a budget for souvenirs (stick to stuff that's unique to the parks, though), or even considering a budget airfare, if you can find one and really hate the idea of a long roadtrip.

Ultimately, you've got options here. If you want to go with a more expensive vacation, Disney would be more than happy to accommodate you. But you can keep your costs down, too. You can plan a Walt Disney World vacation for cheap. Without cheating.

Replies (16)

That being said, cutting out soda and bringing your own water makes things a bit cheaper. Better for your health too. But if that's not gonna fly, then try eating at least one meal at the hotel if you have a fridge or cooler where you can keep food from a Super Market.

RI MUITO! Team Disneyland for the win :-)

Good advice, but for many, Disneyland is seen as the next tier resort. As you said WDW is the theme park resort to beat.

Maybe those from far away can combine the WDW with a road trip. If there are any friends or family along the route, maybe stop by (and spend the night :-) & see America on the way to Orlando!

Going cheap means exactly that; however, there are limitations. It is hard to get Disney tickets cheaply. That's why you should buy only enough tickets that you can go at any given moment. Best to buy a 7 day ticket with no park hopping. The price difference between a 4 day ticket and a 7 day ticket is barely $20 based on how Magic Your Way works. Even if you don't use it up, you have the option to go more frequently later in the week. Nonetheless, the sweet spot for Disney ticket is in the $250 range. This is pure Disney profit. Disney has got you from day one.

Staying off-site with a rental car gives you plenty of options. You eat breakfast and dinner where you live. (Try to stay at a hotel that gives you free continental breakfast like Best Western.) You bring your lunch. Only occasionly will you find yourself buying an expensive on-site meal.

Buy your Disney souvenirs at the outlet stores on International Drive.

Watch your wallet. The less you pull it out, you succeeded in going cheap.

I am still a little weary on the Theme Park tickets. Disney really does not like to give discounts on tickets for Walt Disney World (Disneyland is a different story). AAA and Military appear to be the areas where you can get some significant cash off.

The true way to save at Disney is to make investments for future visits and to find the value in what you are paying. I will elaborate:

1. Defending my DVC honor (LOL), DVC members technically end up getting their rooms for free after some time due to value and investment. I will not mince words, DVC is incredibly expensive up front, but as long as you go at least once a year using the points, it will pay off in no time. While my family put up the cash in 92, we are now staying at Disney world for about $200 a week. Is this for the once in a lifetime traveler? No, but if you know that you wouldn't mind visiting once a year or going on a cruise, its a good option.

2. Getting value: Robert did touch on this with the pictures, but if you know that you at least want 15 of the photos, then getting the Photo CD would be a great return on investment. The CD costs about as much as 14 regular priced photos at Disney World. They also throw on some extra professional pictures.

The meal plan also falls under this. For the amount of food you get and the price they charge for food, it is worth it.

Of course I don't recommend breaking the bank but through sites like themeparkinsider, I've learned to have it all with proper planning.

I always find it worth a look, especially if your favourite characters arent in the parks mainstream - you could find them here!

. this sounds like I work there - I dont! (I live in UK and just know a bargain when I see one!)

Sometimes it isn't an issue of saving and planning. What if you can't save enough to stay on-site for that exclusive Disney experience. A once a year extravagant vacation isn't possible for many people. I will not do that even if I can afford to. A dollar saved will be spent on other more important things.

Theme park vacations are not yearly things. They are once in a few year trips. However, for some that do want to do it yearly or a few times a year, doing the budget cheap trip is the best way.

Correction "The Value resorts are affordable for some budgets."

If you want to go cheap, you CAN do better. Disney's Value resorts are at the upper end of the budget resort category. You can stay at an off-site budget resort for half the price of the Value resorts. The savings can be substantial and can offset the price of park admission.

Verdade. But you do need to perform some calculations to ensure you're getting the best deal. A lot of guests do forget to include parking when camparing on-site and off-site hotels. Even though on-site guests do have access to the Disney Transportation System, they also receive free parking at all four theme parks, which can be a HUGE timesaver over the busses. Now, the price of parking is spread out over the numnber of people in the car, so it's more valuable to have free parking for a couple than it is a family of 4 or more.

It's also important to note that free WiFi is now part of Disney on-site hotels (used to be $10/day), and no longer needs to be considered when comparing on-site and off-site value.

In our most recent trip (October 2012), we were able to find a Hampton Inn near Universal for $50/night. However, that was a pretty low rate (discounted because of a recent renovation), and in general, guests are going to spend somewhere between $50-75/night for a budget off-site hotel. A lot of hotels do advertise shuttles to and from the parks, but my experience has found that those shuttles are more annoying than they're worth. They rarely get you to the parks before rope drop, and always require you to leave the parks before closing. The also run few and far between over the course of the day, meaning you have to eat lunch on Disney property. Therefore, even if I'm staying off-site, I assume that I will drive to the parks each day, and add the parking fee to my nightly hotel rate. We only stayed at the Hampton during the non-Disney portion of our vacation, and actually stayed at Port Orleans French Quarter at $129/night with free dining (effective cost of $47/night after subtracting food costs).

So, if you're staying in an off-site hotel at $50-75/night that has free breakfast, the savings in the meal is probably offset by the cost of parking at Disney each day. An on-site Disney Value hotel is going to cost somewhere between $75-100/night. However, if they're running a free dining or 30% off promotion, the cost is probably on par or even a little lower than an off-site hotel. Plus, on-site guests have the advantage of being right there, saving an extra 30 minutes each day of not having to drive on and off Disney property.

However, if Disney is not running a promotion, it's almost always cheaper to stay off-site.

-(Anon Mouse will hate me. ) I would definitely choose Value Disney Resort: it gives you free transportation from the airport, free parking if you have a car, free transportation if you don't have a car and extra magic hours so you can spend more time in a park with the ticket you bought. Also, they have wonderful activities for the kids as well as amazing pool, you can actually spend a whole day there and never get bored. All that for only 100$/night if you go on "lower seasons". I think that's pretty cheap.

-When we go in the seasons around halloween/christmas, we buy 1 park ticket + park hopper (very useful when the park you chose is too crowded or if you're done. and if you combine this with the Extra Magic Hours, you can get up to 16 hours in HS/AK/Ep!) On top of that, we buy a ticket for a special event like Halloween or Christmas Party (Free hot cocoa, juice, apple slices and cookies by the way!) at MK(that way you get 8 hours of Magic Kingdom for 30$ less than a regular ticket). I don't know about you but it's more than enough themepark for us!

-If you stay at the Disney hotels and you think you're going to spend more than 3 days in the park, buy your tickets online on the Disney website. After 3 days, the tickets only cost you 10$ each.

-I think the Dining plan (expecially the Quick Service Dining Plan) is cheap if you eat a lot because the meals are usually HUGE and it gives you more than you need. And sometimes they just give it to you for free when you stay at Disney hotels!

But if you don't eat big portions, I think it's easy to buy a meal in a QS and just share it with you spouse/friend/kid.

(So okay, to my opinion the Magic you way Package --Value Resort+QS Dining plan+type of tickets you want-- is the cheapest way to go)

-Plane tickets: Shop for it a long time in advance because the price changes a lot. Suscribe to newsletter so you know when they have sales. I've always done it with Air Canada because I had better quality for lower prices. I got YUL-MCO for 650$ the first time (I did not know the prices changed this much at the time), after that, I never bought it higher than 400$ to 425$.

This article has been archived and is no longer accepting comments.

Como configurar a última estação de negociação em casa.

Outros, no entanto, são fanáticos por dinheiro.

Os operadores de dia precisam das ferramentas e equipamentos certos para obter vantagem, especialmente à medida que a tecnologia continua a progredir e a negociação de alta frequência se torna mais proeminente.

Saiba como você pode configurar a melhor estação de negociação em casa.

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O que faz uma ótima configuração de negociação?

Daytrading é composto de duas coisas: arte e ciência.

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Por enquanto, ignore o alto custo mensal (

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Por US $ 40 por mês, assine o programa Elite da Finviz. Análises incríveis, mapas de calor, gráficos, cotações de ações ao vivo e muito mais fazem parte do serviço e funcionam muito bem para o preço. Se você está em análise técnica, o Finviz tem uma ferramenta de comparação de segurança muito forte. Você pode triangular betas e alfas para o conteúdo do seu coração com a quantidade de personalização que o Finviz oferece. Também é um pouco mais leve e robusto do que o Google Finance ou um serviço semelhante. A seção FOREX também é incrível, com visuais fáceis de ler, etc.

MetaStock Pro.

Para os traders quantitativos e analíticos, irá apreciar o que o MetaStock 11 tem para oferecer. Opções avançadas de previsão com vários indicadores, osciladores e sobreposições de padrões, dados e notícias em tempo real e muito mais. Os fabricantes, Equis, também estão bastante confiantes: "Se você negocia ações, títulos, fundos mútuos, futuros, commodities, FOREX ou índices, a MetaStock tem as ferramentas necessárias para uma análise de mercado superior e sucesso financeiro." O software pode ser uma alternativa mais barata para a Bloomberg, uma vez que só tem um custo único de US $ 1400 - US $ 1600 ea assinatura mensal é de US $ 100 por mês. Também é compatível com o serviço Reuters Data Link.

Assinatura do Hamzei Analytics.

Fari Hamzei é conhecido como um dos "Três Gurus" do CBOE. Seu site de assinatura, o Hamzei Analytics, ajudará você a obter uma vantagem enorme em relação a outros operadores de opções, devido à sua capacidade de twittar e negociar. Um fluxo privado de HFT twitter permite que você saiba EXATAMENTE o que está acontecendo no mercado e o acesso a uma sala de bate-papo ao vivo com outros assinantes permite que você aproveite ao máximo sua experiência.

Além disso, Hamzei frequentemente realiza seminários via webcast e convida oradores convidados para discutir a troca de opções. Aqui está um e-mail incrível Fari enviou a outra semana apenas para mostrar que tipo de retornos (não garantidos) seus clientes estão recebendo:

A HFT Traders tomou mais [aprox.] 10,5 alças por contrato (líquido) hoje em 4 ES trades durante a sessão de negociação abreviada !! Isso é.

Ganho de US $ 550 por contrato (cada identificador de ES é US $ 50). Assuma a margem intraday de US $ 3.000 da maioria dos corretores. Você faz a matemática. Não é tão ruim por algumas horas me seguindo no Twitter.

Verizon FiOS.

Isso é tão rápido quanto a sua conexão de internet em casa. Um cachimbo de 50 MB por US $ 150 por mês fará maravilhas em comparação com o antigo modem a cabo. Lembre-se: quanto menor a latência, mais rápido o comércio e mais rápido a Internet. Se o dinheiro não é um problema e você está trabalhando em um espaço de escritório, a classe de negócios FiOS ou uma linha T1 pode realmente mover esses pacotes de dados como nunca antes visto. Ainda assim, para quem não trabalha para uma grande operação, o FiOS é o rei.

A grande questão é qual serviço usar para limpar seus negócios. Você quer estar usando serviços que fornecem um poder sério:

Direct Edge: Um dos maiores players do mundo de negociação de alta frequência (HFT) e mercado direto. Permite que os comerciantes se conectem diretamente às principais corretoras e instituições para realizar negociações em bloco. Procurando por pedidos de flash para que você possa obter a vantagem? É aqui que isso pode acontecer. Lime Brokerage: A Lime também é especializada em HFT anônimo, além de negociação algorítmica. Uma variedade de ferramentas e APIs estão disponíveis para o trader, que também é um programador de computador ou um fanático por estatísticas. Aros totalmente personalizáveis ​​e construções baseadas em GUI oferecem uma grande variedade de opções para sua estratégia de negociação. Liquidnet: Um sistema de negociação alternativo que permite negociar diretamente com outras pessoas que querem ignorar o intermediário ou trocar. Oferece dark pools de liquidez e sistemas de cotação anônima. Se você quiser fazer uma negociação sem o conhecimento do público (no caso de você estar tentando movimentar um mercado), a Liquidnet permitirá que você faça isso.

Spotify Premium.

Isso pode parecer que não tem nada a ver com negociação, mas na verdade, um fluxo contínuo de música é essencial para evitar que você enlouqueça. É claro que ainda não está disponível nos EUA, mas não deixe que isso impeça que você gaste US $ 15 por mês com músicas sem comerciais. Spotify tem um monte de músicas - mais de 4 milhões que eu verifiquei. Com tudo, desde Prince até R. E.M. para Ratt, é simplesmente o melhor serviço para música. Período.

Se você preferir uma alternativa baseada na Web gratuita, dê uma chance a Pandora ou Grooveshark.

Cuisineart DCC-1100 Cafeteira Programável de 12 Taças.

Você vai estar cansado e você não tem tempo para moer grãos e quais não.

Compre alguns Starbucks / Dunkin / Folgers, jogue aqui na noite anterior e acorde na manhã seguinte para 12 xícaras de satisfação instantânea. Além disso, imagine o dinheiro que você economizará para a negociação se não conseguir dois cafés grandes no Starbucks todos os dias.

Vamos supor dois lattes grandes (venti) na Starbucks por dia, 5 dias por semana, ao preço de US $ 4 por latte. São US $ 40 por semana ou US $ 160 por mês. Nada espetacular, mas dentro de um mês, a cafeteira se paga.

Herman Miller Embody Chair.

Já que você vai estar na frente de uma mesa de manhã cedo até pelo menos quatro horas, você precisa de uma cadeira que mantenha suas costas confortáveis ​​e equilibradas.

A Embody Chair da Herman Miller é a Ferrari de cadeiras de escritório e, além de ser projetada especificamente para usuários de computador, 95% de seus materiais são recicláveis. Considere se você foi para Staples e jogou $ 120 para uma cadeira de baixa qualidade que vai quebrar em 6 meses. Simplesmente não vale a pena.

Quer negociar com o dinheiro de outra pessoa? Ir trabalhar para uma empresa de comércio de adereços. Certifique-se de que depois de gastar todo o seu dinheiro suado com as coisas que mencionamos, você ainda tem o suficiente para molhar os pés e realmente ter lucro.

Não tem dinheiro depois de todas as suas compras? Implore sua tia por US $ 10.000 e prometa-lhe um ROI de 25%.

Você está tudo pronto.

É isso aí! Você está pronto, então pegue um pouco de capital e comece a fazer seus movimentos. Você será rico em pouco tempo. Ou quebrou. É tudo um dia no mercado.

Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges: The Ultimate Guide.

So you want to start trading cryptocurrencies? Check out this guide to the best cryptocurrency exchanges.

What is a cryptocurrency exchange?

Cryptocurrency exchanges are websites where you can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrencies for other digital currency or traditional currency like US dollars or Euro. For those that want to trade professionally and have access to fancy trading tools, you will likely need to use an exchange that requires you to verify your ID and open an account. If you just want to make the occasional, straightforward trade, there are also platforms that you can use that do not require an account.

Types of exchanges.

Trading Platforms – These are websites that connect buyers and sellers and take a fee from each transaction. Direct Trading – These platforms offer direct person to person trading where individuals from different countries can exchange currency. Direct trading exchanges don’t have a fixed market price, instead, each seller sets their own exchange rate. Brokers – These are websites that anyone can visit to buy cryptocurrencies at a price set by the broker. Cryptocurrency brokers are similar to foreign exchange dealers.

What to look out for before joining an exchange.

It’s important to do a little homework before you start trading. Here are a few things you should check before making your first trade.

Reputation – The best way to find out about an exchange is to search through reviews from individual users and well-known industry websites. You can ask any questions you might have on forums like BitcoinTalk or Reddit. Taxas & # 8211; Most exchanges should have fee-related information on their websites. Before joining, make sure you understand deposit, transaction and withdrawal fees. Fees can differ substantially depending on the exchange you use. Payment Methods – What payment methods are available on the exchange? Crédito & amp; debit card? wire transfer? PayPal? If an exchange has limited payment options then it may not be convenient for you to use it. Remember that purchasing cryptocurrencies with a credit card will always require identity verification and come with a premium price as there is a higher risk of fraud and higher transaction and processing fees. Purchasing cryptocurrency via wire transfer will take significantly longer as it takes time for banks to process. Verification Requirements – The vast majority of the Bitcoin trading platforms both in the US and the UK require some sort of ID verification in order to make deposits & retiradas. Some exchanges will allow you to remain anonymous. Although verification, which can take up to a few days, might seem like a pain, it protects the exchange against all kinds of scams and money laundering. Geographical Restrictions – Some specific user functions offered by exchanges are only accessible from certain countries. Make sure the exchange you want to join allows full access to all platform tools and functions in the country you currently live in. Exchange Rate – Different exchanges have different rates. You will be surprised how much you can save if you shop around. It’s not uncommon for rates to fluctuate up to 10% and even higher in some instances.

Start Your Free Trial Today.

The Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges.

Today there are a host of platforms to choose from, but not all exchanges are created equal. This list is based on user reviews as well as a host of other criteria such as user-friendliness, accessibility, fees, and security. H ere are ten of the best crypto exchanges in no specific order.

Built on the same technology as the New York Stock Exchange.

We’re committed to safe and secure trades. Because at the end of the day, you’re trusting your money with us. We understand that, and we take that very seriously. Our system is 100% proprietary, has been stress tested and DDoS tested, and we have never (ever, since 2015) lost a single coin. We also maintain a pretty amazing ledger that is managed about 2,346 times per day, all in the interest of ensuring that we know where every coin – whether Canadian or ethereum – is at all times. REGISTER HERE.

Pros: Good reputation, security, reasonable fees, beginner friendly. Cons: Customer support, limited payment methods, limited countries supported, non-uniform rollout of services worldwide.

Backed by trusted investors and used by millions of customers globally, Coinbase is one of the most popular and well-known brokers and trading platforms in the world. The Coinbase platform makes it easy to securely buy, use, store and trade digital currency. Users can purchase bitcoins, Ether and now Litecoin from Coinbase through a digital wallet available on Android & iPhone or through trading with other users on the company’s Global Digital Asset Exchange (GDAX) subsidiary. GDAX currently operates in the US, Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. GDAX does not currently charge any transfer fees for moving funds between your Coinbase account and GDAX account. For now, the selection of tradable currencies will, however, depend on the country you live in. Check out the Coinbase FAQ and GDAX FAQ.

Pros: Good reputation, security, reasonable fees, beginner friendly, stored currency is covered by Coinbase insurance. Cons: Customer support, limited payment methods, limited countries supported, non-uniform rollout of services worldwide, GDAX suitable for technical traders only.

Founded in 2011, Kraken is the largest Bitcoin exchange in euro volume and liquidity and is a partner in the first cryptocurrency bank. Kraken lets you buy and sell bitcoins and trade between bitcoins and euros, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds and Japanese Yen. It’s also possible to trade digital currencies other than Bitcoin like Ethereum, Monero, Ethereum Classic, Augur REP tokens, ICONOMI, Zcash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ripple and Stellar/Lumens. For more experienced users, Kraken offers margin trading and a host of other trading features. Kraken is a great choice for more experienced traders. Check out the Kraken FAQ.

Pros: Good reputation, decent exchange rates, low transaction fees, minimal deposit fees, feature rich, great user support, secure, supported worldwide. Cons: Limited payment methods, not suitable for beginners, unintuitive user interface.

Cex. io provides a wide range of services for using bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The platform lets users easily trade fiat money with cryptocurrencies and conversely cryptocurrencies for fiat money. For those looking to trade bitcoins professionally, the platform offers personalized and user-friendly trading dashboards and margin trading. Alternatively, CEX also offers a brokerage service which provides novice traders an extremely simple way to buy bitcoin at prices that are more or less in line with the market rate. The Cex. io website is secure and intuitive and cryptocurrencies can be stored in safe cold storage. Check out the Cex. io FAQ.

Pros: Good reputation , good mobile product, supports credit cards, beginner friendly, decent exchange rate, supported worldwide. Cons: Average customer support , drawn out verification process, depositing is expensive.

ShapeShift is the leading exchange that supports a variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Zcash, Dash, Dogecoin and many others. Shapeshift is great for those who want to make instant straightforward trades without signing up to an account or relying on a platform to hold their funds. ShapeShift does not allow users to purchase crypto’s with debit cards, credit cards or any other payment system. The platform has a no fiat policy and only allows for the exchange between bitcoin and the other supported cryptocurrencies. Visit the Shapeshift FAQ.

Pros: Good reputation, beginner friendly, Dozens of Crypto’s available for exchange, fast, reasonable prices. Cons: Average mobile app, no fiat currencies, limited payment options and tools.

Founded in 2014, Poloniex is one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges. The exchange offers a secure trading environment with more than 100 different Bitcoin cryptocurrency pairings and advanced tools and data analysis for advanced traders. As one of the most popular trading platforms with the highest trading volumes, users will always be able to close a trade position. Poloniex employs a volume-tiered, maker-taker fee schedule for all trades so fees are different depending on if you are the maker or the taker. For makers, fees range from 0 to 0.15%, depending on the amount traded.

For takers, fees range from 0.10 to 0.25%. There are no fees for withdrawals beyond the transaction fee required by the network. One of the unique tools on the Poloniex platform is the chat box which is constantly filled with user help and just about everything. Any user can write almost anything but inappropriate comments are eventually deleted by moderators. It can sometimes be hard to distinguish the good advice from the bad, but the Chatbox is a great tool that will keep you engaged.

Pros: fast account creation, feature rich, BTC lending, high-volume trading, user-friendly, low trading fees, open API. Cons: Slow customer service, no fiat support.

Bitstamp is a European Union based bitcoin marketplace founded in 2011. The platform is one of the first generation bitcoin exchanges that has built up a loyal customer base. Bitstamp is well known and trusted throughout the bitcoin community as a safe platform. It offers advanced security features such as two-step authentication, multisig technology for its wallet and fully insured cold storage. Bitstamp has 24/7 support and a multilingual user interface and getting started is relatively easy. After opening a free account and making a deposit, users can start trading immediately. Check out the Bitstamp FAQ and the Fee Schedule.

Pros: Good reputation, high-level security, worldwide availability, low transaction fees, good for large transactions. Cons: Not beginner friendly, limited payment methods, high deposit fees, user interface.

CoinMama is a veteran broker platform that anyone can visit to buy bitcoin or Ether using your credit card or cash via MoneyGram. CoinMama is great for those who want to make instant straightforward purchases of digital currency using their local currency. Although the CoinMama service is available worldwide, users should be aware that some countries may not be able to use all the functions of the site. CoinMama is available in English, German, French, Italian and Russian. Check out the CoinMama FAQ.

Pros: Good reputation, beginner friendly, great user interface, good range of payment options, available worldwide, fast transaction time. Cons: High exchange rates, a premium fee for credit card, no bitcoin sell function, average user support.

Bitsquare is a user-friendly peer to peer exchange that allows you to buy and sell bitcoins in exchange for fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies. Bitsquare markets itself as a truly decentralized and peer to peer exchange that is instantly accessible and requires no need for registration or reliance on a central authority. Bitsquare never holds user funds and no one except trading partners exchange personal data. The platform offers great security with multisig addresses, security deposits and purpose-built arbitrator system in case of trade disputes. If you want to remain anonymous and don’t trust anyone, Bitsquare is the perfect platform for you. Check out the Bitsquare FAQ.

Pros: Good reputation, secure & private, a vast amount of cryptocurrencies available, no sign-up, decent fees, open source, available worldwide, good for advanced traders. Cons: Limited payment options, average customer support, not beginner friendly.

LocalBitcoin is a P2P Bitcoin exchange with buyers and sellers in thousands of cities around the world. With LocalBitcoins, you can meet up with people in your local area and buy or sell bitcoins in cash, send money through PayPal, Skrill or Dwolla or arrange to deposit cash at a bank branch. LocalBitcoins only take a commission of 1% from the sellers who set their own exchange rates. To ensure trading is secure, LocalBitcoins takes a number of precautions. To start, the platform rates each trader with a reputation rank and publicly displays past activities. Also, once a trade is requested, the money is held on LocalBitcoins’ escrow service. After the seller confirms the trade is completed the funds are released. If something does happen to go wrong, LocalBitcoins has a support and conflict resolution team to resolve conflicts between buyers and sellers. Check out LocalBitcoins FAQ.

Pros: No ID required, beginner friendly, usually free, instant transfers, available worldwide. Cons: Hard to buy large amounts of bitcoin, high exchanges rates.

Co-founded by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, Gemini is a fully regulated licensed US Bitcoin and Ether exchange. That means Gemini’s capital requirements and regulatory standards are similar to a bank. Also, all US dollar deposits are held at a FDIC-insured bank and the majority of digital currency is held in cold storage. Gemini trades in three currencies, US dollars, bitcoin, and ether, so the platform does not serve traders of the plethora of other cryptocurrencies. The exchange operates via a maker-taker fee schedule with discounts available for high volume traders. All deposits and withdrawals are free of charge. The platform is only fully available to customers in 42 US states, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the UK.

Check out Gemini’s FAQ.

Pros: Security & Compliance, slick/minimalistic and user-friendly design, great analytics, high liquidity. Cons: Limited currencies, small community, average customer support, limited worldwide availability, no margin trading.

ethtrade @ethtrade.

ethtrade @ethtrade.


HOURLY 0.15% 3.60% Daily.

Min Deposit: 0.001 BTC.

Min Withdrawal: 0.0001 BTC.

Come back anytime after 24 hours fees 5%

talkaboutme5@gmail @talkaboutme5gmail-com.

talkaboutme5@gmail @talkaboutme5gmail-com.

aboctok @aboctok.

aboctok @aboctok.

And no mention of Bittrex? Where’s the real crypto forum?

Nelson Wells @nelsonwells.

Nelson Wells @nelsonwells.

BUT CEX is only allowed to operate in 44 states and my state of Georgia is one of the 6 that have not opened up to CEX yet.

That is how I have interpreted the notice that said my account has been declined because the service is not offered in my state yet.

SO , before you waste your time, check that first.

and yes, @Aboctok, that was funny and so true.

just crickets around here for a week or more. 🙂

abhi. sharma @abhi-sharma.

abhi. sharma @abhi-sharma.

They support 5000+ cryptocurrency pairs.

Bitsane @bitsane.

Bitsane @bitsane.

Bitsane presents the most technologically advanced platform in the industry to date.

Bitsane offers a minimalistic, user-friendly interface for maximum usability. Our platform provides super-fast execution of trade transactions for major currency pairs, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Iconomi, Ripple to traditional currencies USD and EUR. The number of trading instruments is constantly expanding. In addition to the aforementioned crypto currencies, deposits and withdrawals are available via SWIFT (in dollars) and SEPA (in Euros), OKPay and AdvCash payment systems.

With the hacks and security breaches encountered by many cryptocurrency platforms in recent years, we take the platform’s security very seriously. Our developers have created a state-of-the-art security which has network protection, network backup, a strong, modern infrastructure, cold storage and advanced monitoring.

These extra measures of security ensure that our customers’ funds and stored data are protected and secure at all times.

At any point of time, a qualified and experienced customer support service is at your disposal.

Not only do we provide web-based training and an exchange platform, we also enable access to mobile users. The platform can be accessed from any mobile device, allowing you to execute trades from anywhere in the world with the Internet connection.

We provide a strong investment platform, enabling users to participate in margin trading and margin lending while receiving automated trading assistance. Our developers are currently working on enhancing Bitsane’s investment features.

The platform is constantly evolving and we will be grateful for all thoughts, error messages, wishes and comments on the work of our exchange.

Henry James Banayat @compumatrix.

Henry James Banayat @compumatrix.

johnswigert @johnswigert.

johnswigert @johnswigert.

Jack R @kekeluluoutlook-com.

Jack R @kekeluluoutlook-com.

and there other new exchange like bityep, bitcointrading etc.

cryptotrader @cryptotrader.

cryptotrader @cryptotrader.

tony@genesisex @tonygenesisex-com.

tony@genesisex @tonygenesisex-com.

stewart mushi @stewartrobinson.

stewart mushi @stewartrobinson.

anyone with an idea please help.

Cottono @cottono.

Cottono @cottono.

Meryx @meryx.

Meryx @meryx.

looking at the turnover and overall history and experience the best crypto market seems to be Bitfinex (bit. ly/BFX-Bitfinex)

Best and good luck,

Roberto Heckers @robertoheckers.

Roberto Heckers @robertoheckers.

Bitsane @bitsane.

Bitsane @bitsane.

We are happy to announce that FREE AdvCash and OkPay USD deposits are now available! Fund your account with AdvCash and OkPay for 0% fee!

Bitsane @bitsane.

Bitsane @bitsane.

We are happy to introduce our new Anybits project. It is a crypto-to-crypto exchange with 15 most popular cryptocurrencies available for trading.

You can log in using your Bitsane login and password.

Bitsane @bitsane.

Bitsane @bitsane.

We are happy to introduce our new project Anybits!

What is Anybits?

Anybits is a new platform for altcoin exchange, launched at the Blockchain and Bitcoin conference. The platform offers a great new tool for cryptocurrency users and traders to instantly trade between various cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.

The exchange platform, powered and managed by established and reputable crypto-to-fiat exchange, Bitsane, supports buying and selling of some of the most widely used cryptocurrencies in the market today. We took the best from Bitsane and polished it, giving you the most fast and secure platform available.

Please note that Bitsane users can log in into Anybits using their Bitsane login and password as well.

Anybits offers extremely fast execution of trade, secure wallets and a solid security protocol by holding a majority of user funds in cold storage. The interface is very user-friendly and customer support is available 24/7.

You can also earn money through an affiliate program by inviting friends to the platform with up to 50% referral commission. Developers of cryptocurrency trading platforms are also offered ready access to API solutions.

Furthermore, Anybits boasts a platform highly compatible for use on a mobile device allowing users to trade on the go without hassle. Investment options such as margin trading and portfolio diversifying investment will be shortly available for more experienced traders and investors.

Supported crypto assets.

As of now, Anybits supports a total of 15 different currencies and tokens including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Bitcoin Gold, Dash, Ripple, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Iconomi and CLAM. We expand a list of supported currencies on a weekly basis. Stay updated!

How to Get Started With AnyBits?

Registration is free with a valid E-mail address at anybits/signup.

No credit card or user information is required.

Making a deposit, trading and withdrawal can be made instantly with just one click.

Anybits offers free trading with no transaction fees (0%) till the end of Year 2017. To take advantage of this offer, use the following promotion code at the time of registration: H9F27D1V.

We welcome any feedback or comments that you may have about the system and its functionality.

At any point, if a customer needs help with anything on the platform, quick professional support is always within reach on Anybits.

johnnieme @johnnieme.

johnnieme @johnnieme.

If you want to take a look, go to binance/?ref=11376105 and I would be pleased to give you some tips.

Please, feel free to send me a pm if you want to ask me anything.

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